Mick Cunningham

he/him, Professor


Mick Cunningham is a professor in the Department of Sociology at Western. He came to Western after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1999. Professor Cunningham teaches courses in statistics (304), research methods (306), family sociology (SOC 326; SOC 345; SOC 460) and gender (SOC 268). Professor Cunningham is interested in contemporary family life, with a particular focus on the changing roles and responsibilities of women and men in families. He is also interested in the causes and consequences of the beliefs people hold about family life. Much of his research has focused on long-term socialization processes. Recently he has published research with a former student on the consequences of parental divorce for young adults. Professor Cunningham is a native of Washington State. You might see him out on his mountain or road bike. He enjoys reading fiction and fishing every once in a while.

Research Interests

  • Family, social demography, gender, time use, intimate partner violence