Major and Minor Requirements

Philosophy Major Requirements

The philosophy major at WWU consists of five sequences, plus additional electives. Classes in the sequences are normally taken in order, but this requirement can be waived in certain circumstances. Elective credits are normally fulfilled by taking non-required philosophy courses, but they can also be completed by taking comparable courses from other departments, under advisement. Finally, substitutions for required courses are always a possibility as well. For further information, email or visit us in Bond Hall 302.

Are you ready to declare philosophy your major or minor? Complete and submit this Declaration and Change Form to

Schedule Note

Please consult Classfinder or the catalog for details.

Logic Sequence

  • PHIL 201: Logic I
  • PHIL 202: Logic II

Ethics Sequence

  • PHIL 112: Introduction to Philosophy - Ethics and the Good Life or PHIL 115: Introduction to Philosophy - Ethics and the Environment
  • PHIL 320: Ethical Theory I
  • PHIL 420: Ethical Theory II

Epistemology Sequence

  • PHIL 113: Introduction to Philosophy - Reason and Religion or PHIL 114: Introduction to Philosophy - Knowledge and Reality
  • PHIL 310: Theory of Knowledge I
  • PHIL 410: Theory of Knowledge II

Metaphysics Sequence

  • PHIL 113: Introduction to Philosophy - Reason and Religion or PHIL 114: Introduction to Philosophy - Knowledge and Reality
  • PHIL 330: Metaphysics I
  • PHIL 430: Metaphysics II

History Sequence

  • PHIL 363: History of Philosophy - Classical Chinese Philosophy
  • PHIL 364: History of Philosophy - Early Greek Philosophy
  • PHIL 366: History of Philosophy - The Rationalists
  • PHIL 367: History of Philosophy - The Empiricists
  • PHIL 368: History of Philosophy - Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy
  • PHIL 370: History of Philosophy - Special Topics

Elective Credits

Non-required philosophy courses or comparable classes from other departments.

Philosophy Minor Requirements

The philosophy minor at WWU consists of four sets of requirements: introductory classes, survey classes, history classes, and electives. Survey and history classes are normally taken after introductory classes, but prerequisites can be waived in certain circumstances. Electives are normally fulfilled by taking non-required philosophy courses, but they can also be completed by taking comparable courses from other departments, under advisement. Substitutions for required courses are also a possibility. For more information, e-mail or visit Bond 302.

Are you ready to declare philosophy as your major or minor? Complete and submit this Declaration and Change Form to

Prerequisites Note

Prerequisites for upper-division classes vary. Please consult Classfinder or the catalog for details.

Intro Requirement

  • PHIL 112: Introduction to Philosophy - Ethics and the Good Life
  • PHIL 114: Introduction to Philosophy - Knowledge and Reality
  • PHIL 201: Logic I

Survey Requirement

Two of the following:

  • PHIL 310: Theory of Knowledge I
  • PHIL 320: Ethical Theory I
  • PHIL 330: Metaphysics I

History Requirement

One of the following:

  • PHIL 364: History of Philosophy - Early Greek Philosophy
  • PHIL 366: History of Philosophy - The Rationalists
  • PHIL 367: History of Philosophy - The Empiricists
  • PHIL 368 History of Philosophy - Kant and Post-Kantian Philosophy
  • PHIL 370: History of Philosophy - Special Topic

Elective Requirement

Six additional philosophy credits or comparable classes from other departments.