Special Information For You

A few suggestions from former students to help you earn your degree in journalism:

Declare as a pre-major while you are fulfilling the requirements to formally declare your major. You'll be assigned an adviser and get much needed assistance. You will be eligible for certain scholarships, competitions and other benefits only if you are a pre-major. Don't put it off.

If your GPA drops below 2.50 in journalism, see your adviser right away.

If you are having difficulty in a class, see your professor right away. If you have problems that can't be solved in a discussion with the professor, see the department chair or Academic Advising Services, Old Main 380. Withdrawing from courses is limited; see “Withdrawal from Courses/University” in the General Catalog for details.

If you are having trouble studying or handling academic life, make an appointment with Student Support Services in Old Main. Many students have been assisted with problems that seemed gigantic but were solved with thoughtful assistance from the staff.

Take part in department social events and other outside activities. It's a good way to get to know other students and the faculty.

Upholding the truth and presenting the truth are ethical matters that need no qualifications. Students in the university at large are expected to recognize and honor truth and accuracy in their papers, their course work and in all their activities. The journalism department faculty will not tolerate plagiarism, cheating or other forms of dishonesty in a student's work. Students planning a career in journalism must realize credibility is a precious commodity that must not be damaged. Washington Administrative Code provides for expulsion from university for students who commit academic dishonesty. (See Appendix C, “Academic Dishonesty Policy and Procedure,” in the General Catalog.)

Computers in The Front and Klipsun newsrooms are to be used only by students writing stories for those publications. Do your work for other classes in computer labs around campus. Use the photocopying machines to duplicate your material. It's much less costly than running multiple copies on the computer printers.

Students on publications win many awards -- the lion's share in the state and region. Turn in your best efforts when the competitions are announced. They are valuable for your future career and give respect to your school.

The department and university offer many scholarships or other means of financial assistance. Pay attention to the notices, then APPLY!

If you obtain department or publication funds to travel or undertake a project, you must turn in the completed paperwork within 30 days of receiving approval for the expenditure. Failure to do so will nullify your right to be reimbursed and the cost will be yours!

If you agree to go to a conference and sign up for it, you are COMMITTED. Few things irritate the organizer of a car pool or conference trip more than for someone to sign up and not show up. If you don't go, someone else probably could have gone in your place -- if you had canceled a few days in advance.