Global Humanities and Religions Scholarships
Each spring the department may recommend an outstanding student who has completed the junior year for one or more University scholarships that are awarded to students in their senior year. In addition, the department’s faculty and alumni contribute funds that support scholarships for a small number of seniors in the B.A. Humanities programs.
Faculty members of the department nominate students for these scholarships. No application is required for initial consideration, but students recommended for a University scholarship usually must submit an application specifically for that scholarship, along with letters of recommendation.
Graduating students with an outstanding academic record and with an outstanding record of service to the community are encouraged to consult the Scholarships Office for information about national scholarships for graduate studies.
Meagan Elizabeth Smith Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in the Humanities
This scholarship endowment will provide support for students majoring in the Global Humanities and Religions Department. Preference will be made to applicants who demonstrate outstanding academic merit. The Meagan Elizabeth Smith Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in the Humanities application is now available to fill out. The deadline this year will be Friday, April 12th 2024.
2024 Scholarship Recipients: Calvin Christoph and Max Whitley
2023 Scholarship Recipients: Aodhan Jibril and Anne Lillis
2022 Scholarship Recipients: Petra Ellerby and Matthew White
2021 Scholarship Recipient: Erica Campbell
2020 Scholarship Recipient: Jodie Permen
2019 Scholarship Recipient: Caitlin Hanson
2018 Scholarship Recipient: Jonathan Davidson
2017 Scholarship Recipient: Matthew Wilkerson
2016 Scholarship Recipient: Riley Jessett