Student Resources

Humanities Lecture Links (2020-21)

All times given are Pacific Time

H-Net Announce (for events)



Virtual events at the British Museum:

On virtual museums:

Digital Humanities



 East Asian Studies Zoom lectures


Events calendar

Interesting upcoming:

Art History and Archaeology of Central Asia: National, Regional and Global

Fridays at 2pm London/6pm Tashkent (Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5), Michaelmas Term, 2020

This webinar series will explore the art history and archaeology of Central Asia from antiquity to the present day. please see the programme for more details and how to join.

“The Ages of Globalization,” on “interactions of technology, geography, and institutions… [in] seven ages of globalization”:  (10/27 @ 9 am)


Interesting upcoming:    


University of Central Florida

Lunch in Pompeii: How Metal Shaped Pompeii and the Roman Empire (10/28 @ 9 am)

University of Chicago

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

A series of virtual lectures hosted by the International Research Consortium “Fate, Freedom, and Prognostication” at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. See the full schedule.

University of Washington

UW’s Simpson Center calendar


Franke lectures (this year with a particular interest in Karl Mark)

Campus Resources

​A variety of resources are available to help students with their academic work and preparation for a career and graduate school. We encourage students to become familiar with resources at Western Washington University and professional psychology organizations. We also present information about local activities and attractions.

Volunteer Resources

There are many opportunities for students to volunteer, gain valuable skills, and give back to the community. Students may contact the Center for Service Learning at Western Washington University or the Whatcom Volunteer Center to learn about current and upcoming volunteer experiences. Students also may contact faculty members in the Liberal Studies Department, who may know of opportunities