German Study Abroad


German Study Abroad Advisor - Shannon Dubenion-Smith

If you are interested in studying abroad for German language please contact the above study abroad advisor for more information. Advising is available in fall, winter, and spring quarters.

WWU Education Abroad



close up view of clock tower overlooking rooftop buildings
long row of buildings each with unique architectural style
cement stairway leading to architectural building, location is Austria

Study Abroad To-Do List

  1. Research destinations, programs, and internships through WWU Education Abroad. Start by attending a Western Abroad 101 Information Session. Inquire about financial aid, cost of the various study abroad programs, and other logistical matters. Narrow down your options to a couple of choices and consult the study abroad advisor if you have questions about sites, living abroad, etc.
  2. Once you have decided on a program, see the major/minor advisor first to discuss plan of study at Western and complete the Departmental Academic Advising Form.
  3. If you need letters of recommendation, notify your professors early. Please request this at least three weeks before the deadline!
  4. Explore Scholarships and the Fellowships Office to find out about funding opportunities.