Faculty & Staff

Quarterly office hours are updated on each faculty profile page. Please contact faculty via email to request meeting details for in-person or online advising. 


Department Chair

Shannon Dubenion-Smith stands outside a brick building, near a green shrub.
Chair of LLC Associate Professor of German and Linguistics German Study Abroad Advisor
MH 223B


Portrait of Prof. Sandra Alfers
Professor of German German Section Coordinator Founding & Executive Director of the Ray Wolpow Institute for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity
MH 215E & WL 572
Professor Aranda in a blue sweater
Associate Professor of Spanish Affiliated Faculty of Latin American Studies (LAS)
MH 128
Mauricio Araniva
Senior Instructor of Spanish
MH 217C
Beached boats during sunset
Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics World Languages Teaching Endorsement (Secondary and Elementary Education) Advisor Spanish Section Coordinator
Miller Hall 122A
Laurel Nesholm Endowed Assistant Professor of French
Miller Hall 218C
Bouquet of multi-colored flowers in a square blue vase
Senior Instructor of Spanish
MH 216B
A branching plant with pink-red leaves in front of a light-blue background, illustration
Professor of Japanese Affiliated Faculty of Linguistics Japanese Study Abroad Advisor
Miller Hall 217E
Kirsten Drickey outside, hiking along a trail with mountains and trees in background
Senior Instructor of Spanish Curriculum Coordinator, Spanish, Employee Language Program
MH 218F
Photo of Sean Dwyer
he, him, his
Senior Instructor of Spanish
MH 226
Associate Professor of Classical Studies
MH 122C
Portrait of Prof. Petra Fiero
Professor of German
MH 217A
Portrait of Prof. Hugo Garcia in front of a full bookshelf
he, him, his
Professor, Spanish Section
MH 216-A
Portrait of Prof. Cécile Hanania
Professor of French French Major/Minor Advisor and Study Abroad Advisor
MH 126
Reflection of Prof. Ernest Rafael Hartwell helping a scared dog escape firecrackers through a window
Associate Professor of Spanish (Minor Advisor of Spanish) Affiliated Faculty of Latin American Studies
MH 217D
Joan Hoffman, smiling, standing inside with other professors in background
Professor of Spanish Study Abroad Advisor/Spanish Point Person for Spanish Outreach
MH 222A
Tamer Hussein, smiling, wearing glasses
Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic
MH 230
Miller Krause, standing in a portico by Miller Hall, wearing a bow tie
Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Studies
MH 122D
Senior Instructor of Japanese
MH 222D
Portrait of Prof. Xiaomeng Li
Assistant Professor of Chinese and Applied Linguistics Chinese major/minor advisor Affiliated Faculty of Linguistics
Miller Hall 218A
Claudia Liu at hometown in China
Instructor of Chinese
MH 218B
Makoto wears a yellow sweatshirt and glasses, and glances out of the corner of their eyes
Instructor of Japanese
MH 222B
Headshot of Paqui
Professor of Spanish
MH 215D
Portrait of Prof. Cornelius Partsch
he // er
Professor of German
MH 216E
Photograph of professor Patterson in Spain.
he / él
Professor of Spanish Sigma Delta Pi Advisor
MH 216D
Portrait of Luis Portugal
Senior Instructor of Spanish Director of Latin American Studies Program
MH 228
Prof. Anthony Nicolas Radoiu wearing a denim jacket
Visiting Assistant Professor of French
MH 222B
Professor Smith
Assistant Professor of French French Section Coordinator ELP Curriculum Coordinator (French)
MH 215A
Visiting Assistant Professor of Classical Studies
MH 122E
Senior Instructor of Chinese
MH 222D
Edward Vajda in Leipzig, Germany
Professor of Russian and Linguistics; Russian and Eurasian Studies Advisor
Miller Hall 218E
Prof. Tyler Walker with a cat sleeping on his right shoulder
Assistant Professor of Japanese
MH 218D
Visiting Assistant Professor of German
MH 122E
Associate professor of East Asian Studies Study Abroad Advisor
Miller Hall 217B

Affiliated Faculty

Associate Professor
Bond Hall 422A


Professor Emeritus of German
Brent Carbajal
Professor Emeritus of Spanish
Professor Emeritus of French
Professor Emeritus of Russian
Professor Emeritus of Spanish
Professor Emeritus of German
Professor Emeritus of German
Janet Xing standing in front of a bookcase
Professor Emeritus of Chinese and Linguistics
Michiko Yusa stands in front of the ocean with the sun setting on the horizon
Professor Emeritus of Japanese and East Asian Studies
MH 218E


Holly sits at a computer desk, in front of a window with pink blossoms outside
Admin Services Manager
MH 223A
Portrait of Dylan Gibson with hair down to his shoulders, wearing a black and red checkered button-down shirt.
Program Coordinator
Miller Hall 223

In Memoriam

Professor Emeritus of Classics
Shaw Gynan
Professor Emeritus of Spanish
Professor Emeritus of German
Kathleen smiles wearing a pair of glasses and a pink shirt.
Professor Emeritus of Chinese and East Asian Studies
Professor Emeritus of Spanish
Professor Emeritus of German and Linguistics