
Language Advisors

Please check out our Summer Advising - AY 2024-2025 Guidelines for Language Placement. Please note that we have entered Phase II of registration and prerequisites are being enforced again. If you require an override please contact one of the advisors listed below.

Some advisors are working remotely this quarter. Please contact via email to request meeting details for in-person or online advising.

If you have questions about your placement into classes, please contact your language advisor for guidance.

Language Advisors, listed by Program
ArabicTamer Hussein Visiting Assistant Professor of Arabic
Chinese Major/MinorXiaomeng Li Assistant Professor of Chinese and Applied Linguistics
Chinese Study AbroadJulian Siyuan Wu Professor of Chinese Literature and East Asian Studies
East Asian StudiesEmi Foulk Bushelle Associate Professor
French Major/MinorCécile Hanania Professor of French
French Study AbroadCécile Hanania Professor of French
German Major/MinorPetra Fiero Professor of German
German Study AbroadShannon Dubenion-Smith Chair of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Japanese Major/MinorTyler Walker Assistant Professor of Japanese
Japanese Study AbroadMasanori Deguchi Professor of Japanese
Latin American Studies Major/MinorLuis Gonzalo Portugal
Senior Instructor of Spanish
Latin/Greek/Classical StudiesShannon Dubenion-Smith Chair of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Russian/EurasianEdward Vajda Professor of Russian
Spanish MajorHugo García Professor of Spanish
Spanish MinorBlanca Aranda Associate Professor of Spanish
Spanish MinorErnest Hartwell Associate Professor of Spanish
Spanish Study AbroadJoan Hoffman Professor of Spanish
Spanish Teaching Endorsement (Secondary and Elementary Education)Paqui Paredes Professor of Spanish
World Languages Teaching Endorsement (Secondary and Elementary Education) [see advising note below]Sheryl Bernardo-Hinesley Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics

Advising Note

Interested and current students in World Languages Teaching Endorsement should schedule advising appointments with both the World Languages Teaching Endorsement Advisor and the current language major advisor.