Edward Vajda, PhD

he/him/his, Professor of Russian and Linguistics; Russian and Eurasian Studies Advisor


Edward Vajda is a professor at Western Washington University, where he teaches courses on historical linguistics, word formation, Russian language, culture and folklore, and Inner Eurasia's nomadic peoples. His research focuses on Ket, a language spoken by fewer than 50 people in the remote areas near the Yenisei river in Siberia. He received his university's Excellence of Teaching Award in 1992 and Paul J. Olscamp Distinguished Research Award in 2011. Research and teaching interests: morphology, historical linguistics, Russian and North Asian peoples and languages, in particular the Yeniseian family of Central Siberia.


B.A., Indiana University

Ph.D. in Slavic Linguistics, University of Washington

Research and teaching interests

Morphology, historical linguistics, Russian and North Asian peoples and languages, in particular the Yeniseian family of Central Siberia.


You-Tube Videos

The Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcCiagavS3Q&t=861s

Tolkien’s imaginary languages (about J.R.R. Tolkien as linguist and folklorist) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NKlr0vRX34

Firelight on the River: Siberia’s Ket People and Ancient North America https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q03M2vhj0oM&t=15s

Current Courses

Summer Quarter 2024 (no on-campus office hours, contact me by email)

      EUS 201 Russian Civilization (online)

      EUS 210 Nomads of Eurasia (online) 

Fall Quarter 2024 (office hour: Miller 218E Wednesdays 2:30-3:30)

     LING 403 Historical Linguistics (F2F)

     EUS201 Russian Civilization (F2F)

     EUS210 Nomads of Eurasia (online)

Selected Publications


Comparative-Historical Yeniseian Dictionary (Languages of the World/Dictionaries, volumes 79 and 80). Munich: Lincom Europa (co-authored with Heinrich Werner, 1239 pages in two volumes). 

Mid-Holocene Language Connections between Asia and North America. (co-authored with Michael Fortescue). Leiden: Brill, 2022. (543 pages)

Russian Punctuation and Related Symbols (co-authored with V. I. Umanets), Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Publishers, 2005.  (249 pages)

Morfologicheskij slovar’ ketskogo glagola na osnove juzhnoketskogo dialekta [Morphological dictionary of the Ket verb, southern dialect] (co-authored with Marina Zinn), Tomsk: TGPU, 2004. (257 pages)

Ket (Languages of the World/Materials Volume 204.) Munich: Lincom Europa, 2004.  

Yeniseian Peoples and Languages: a history of their study with an annotated bibliography and a source guide. Surrey, England: Curzon Press, 2001. (389 pages)

Ket Prosodic Phonology. (Languages of the World 15.) Munich: Lincom Europa, 2000

Edited volumes

The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: Language Families. (The World of Linguistics 10.1.) Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2024. (752 pp.)

The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: Typology, Morphosyntax and Socio-historical Perspectives. (The World of Linguistics 10.2.) Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Mouton, 2024. (528 pp.)

Comprehensive Dictionary of Ket with Russian, German, and English Translations (co-reviewer-editor with Heinrich Werner, under the general supervision of editor-in-chief Elizaveta Kotorova). 2015. Munich: Lincom Europa. 

Dictionary of the Yugh Language, authored by Heinrich Werner, edited by Edward Vajda. Munich: Lincom Europa, 2012.

Subordination and Coordination Strategies in North Asian Languages. Current issues in linguistic theory, 300.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008. (225 pp.)

Languages and Prehistory of Central Siberia. (Current issues in linguistic theory, 262.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2004. (275 pp.)

Studia Yeniseica: in Honor of Heinrich Werner. Language Typology and Universals 56.1/2 (2003). Berlin: Akademie Verlag. (co-edited with Gregory Anderson)

Refereed journal articles

“Paleo-Eskimo genetic ancestry and the peopling of Chukotka and North America”, by Pavel Flegontov, Stephan Schiffels, Ben Potter, Dennis O’Rourke, Edward Vajda, et al. Nature June 2019 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1251-yhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1251-y

 “Dene-Yeniseian: progress and unanswered questions”. Diachronica 35.2: 277-295. (2018)

 “Between Lake Baikal and the Baltic Sea: a genomic history of the Gateway to Europe”. BCM Genetics 2017, 18.1: 110 (article by Peter Triska, Tania Tatarinova, Edward Vajda, et al: https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1186/s12863-017-0578-3?author_access_token=KfXWzzD8PSPeITjeqbk_RG_BpE1tBhCbnbw3BuzI2RNAkPFpTRWOgU2-qnQTl5es83zdaSMro3CPh1iGaCzz02xrz1iZraq5SU2HYNN9ymwhcQ0wRh4vwwv4vEzODIpt4Lm8ReVwIda6_GjY3sJuRA%3D%3D

 “Who were the *Kjet (羯) and what language did they speak?” Journal Asiatique 304.1: 123-142. (2016). (co-authored with Alexander Vovin and Étienne de la Vaissière)  

“Metathesis and reanalysis in Ket”. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, Nicholas Rolle, Jeremy Steffman, John Sylak-Glassman (eds.). Berkeley: University of California Press. (2016). Pp. 457-471.

 “Metathesis and reanalysis in Ket.” Tomsk Journal of Linguistics and Anthropology 1.1 (2013):14-26.

 “The Dene-Yeniseian Connection: A Reply to G. Starostin”. Journal of Language Relationship 8:138-152. (2012).

“A response to Lyle Campbell’s review of ‘The Dene-Yeniseian Connection’”. International Journal of American Linguistics 77:3:451-452 (2011).

“Ket shamanism.” Shaman 18.1/2: 125-143 (2010). 

“A Siberian link with Na-Dene languages.” Archeological Papers of the University of Alaska, Volume 5, New Series. (2010): 33-99. 

  “Yeniseian, Na-Dene, and Historical Linguistics.” Archeological Papers of the University of Alaska, Volume 5, New Series. (2010): 100-118. 

 “Dene-Yeniseian and Processes of Deep Change in Kin Terminologies.” Archeological Papers of the University of Alaska, Volume 6, New Series. (2010): 120-236. (co-authored with John W. Ives and Sally Rice)

“The Languages of Siberia.” Linguistic compass 2 (2008): 1-19. 

 “Yeniseic Diathesis” Language typology 9 (2005): 327-339. (Review article of Die Diathese in den Jenissej-Sprachen aus typologischer Sicht, H. Werner). 

“Ket verb structure in typological perspective.” Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung 56.1/2 (2003): 55-92. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.   

“The Role of Position Class in Ket Verb Morphophonology.” Word 52/3: 369-436 (2001).  

“Actant Conjugations in the Ket Verb.” Voprosy jazykoznanija [Linguistic Inquiry] 67/3 (2000): 21-41.  Moscow: Nauka.  

“Semantic Constraints on Formal Patterns in Russian Grammar.” International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics 35-36:181-197, 1987

“Derived Imperfectives in Slavic: A Study in Derivational Morphology.” Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 15/2 (1985).  

Book chapters or encyclopedia articles  

“Ket language and folklore”. In Pamjatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka: Ketskij fol’klor [Monuments of folklore of the peoples of Siberia and the Far East: Ket folklore], vol. 37. Novosibirsk: Nauka.  (forthcoming in 2025).

“Paleosiberian languages” [co-authored with Ben Potter]. In Oxford Handbook on Archaeology and Language, Martine Robbeets (ed.). (forthcoming). Oxford University Press. 

“Culture summary: Eyak.” New Haven, CT: Human Relation Area Files.  Online document. [in press]

"The Yeniseian language family." In Edward Vajda (ed.) The Languages and Linguistics of Northern Asia: Language Families. (The World of Linguistics 10.1.) Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2024. Pp. 365-479. 

“Number in Ket (Yeniseian).” Number in the world’s languages, Michael Daniel and Paolo Acquaviva (eds). Berlin & New York: De Gruyter Moutonr. 2022. Pp. 307–350.

“Patterns of retention and innovation in Dene-Yeniseian verb morphology”. Diversity in language change: historical linguistics and endangered languages, Patience Epps, Na’am Pat-El, Danny Law (Eds.). Surrey: Routledge. Pp. 99-120. 2022

“Eliciting evidence of relatedness and change: fieldwork-based historical linguistics.” Handbook of Historical Linguistics (2nd ed.), Richard Janda, Brian Joseph, and Barbara Vance (eds.). [in press].

“Transeurasian as a continuum of diffusion.”  In Martine Robbeets (ed.), The Oxford Guide of Transeurasian languages. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2020. Pp. 726-734.

“Yeniseian substrates and typological accommodation in central Siberia.” 2020. Hunter-gatherers in global perspective, Tom Güldemann, Mark Donohue, and Patrick McConville (eds.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 465-498.

“Areal features in Yeniseian grammaticalization”, 2020. In Grammaticalization Scenarios: Cross-linguistic Variation and Universal tendencies. Volume 1. Grammaticalization Scenarios from Europe to Asia, Walter Bisang & Andrej Malchukov (eds.), Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 433-463.

“The origin of classificatory verbs in Na-Dene languages.” 2020. In Proceedings of the 2019 Dene Languages Conference (Alaska Native Language Center Working Papers No. 16). Fairbanks: ANLC. Pp. 104-122.

“Ket polysynthesis and grammaticalization”. 2020 A typological approach to grammaticalization and lexicalization: East meets West, ed. by Janet Xing. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter.  Pp. 257-282.

“Struktura glagola v ketskom jazyke.” 2019. Lingvistika i drugie vazhnye veshchi: pamjati Aleksandra Pavlovich Volodina, eds. E. V. Golovko, A. M. Pevnov, M. Yu. Pupynina, A. A. Sjurjun, A. Yu. Urmanchieva, St. Petersburg: Institute lingvisticheskikh issldeovanij. Pp. 9-45.   [not listed in 2019-2020 annual activity report]

“Ket lexical typology’, 2019. In Wortschätze und Sprachwelten (Sprach- und Kulturkontakte in Europas Mitte: Studien zur Slawistik und Germanistik 10), Mikhail Kotkin (ed.). Berlin: Peter Lang. Pp. 59-72.

“Yeniseian and Dene hydronyms.” 2019. In Language and Toponymy in Alaska and Beyond: Papers in Honor of James Kari, pp. 183-201. (Language Documentation & Conservation Special Publication No. 17.), Gary Holton & Thomas Thornton (eds.). Honolulu and Fairbanks: University of Hawai‘i Press and Alaska Native Language Center.

“Languages of North Asia”, 2019. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders. Volume 4, pages 1044-1048.

“Morphology in Dene-Yeniseian languages”. Oxford research encyclopedia of linguistics. Ed. Rochelle Lieber. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2019.


 “Dene-Yeniseian.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, Mark Aronoff (ed.). New York: Oxford University Press, 2017.   http://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199772810/obo-9780199772810-0064.xml?rskey=PjpV67&result=43

“Ket incorporation.” Handbook of Polysynthesis, Michael Fortescue, Marianne Mithun, and Nicholas Evans (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. 906-929.

“Patterns of innovation and retention in templatic polysynthesis.” Handbook of Polysynthesis, Michael Fortescue, Marianne Mithun, and Nicholas Evans (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Pp. 363-391.

“Typology of the Ket finite verb stem”. Uralic and Siberian lexicology and lexicography, eds. Sándor Szeverényi and Bayarma Khabtagaeva. Szeged, Hungary: University of Szeged, 2017. Pp. 9-38.

“Dene-Yeniseian” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics.  Oxford Online. (2016)


“Grammatical sketch of Ket” (co-authored with Andrey Nefedov). Comprehensive Dictionary of Ket, Elizaveta Kotorova (ed.). Munich: Lincom Europa, 2015.  Pp. 25-66.  

“Ket” Edinburgh handbook of evaluative morphology, Nicola Grandi & Lívia Körtvélyessy (eds.), pp. 246-252. (2015). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

“Valency properties of the Ket verb clause.” Valency classes in the world’s languages, Andrej Malchukov & Bernard Comrie (eds.). Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2015. Pp. 630-668. 

“Yeniseian.” Handbook of derivational morphology, Pavel Stekauer & Rochelle Lieber (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.  Pp. 509-519.

“Vestigial possessive morphology in Na-Dene and Yeniseian”. Working Papers in Athabaskan (Dene) Languages 2012. (Alaska Native Language Center Working Papers No. 11). Fairbanks: ANLC, 2013. Pp. 79-91.

“Siberian landscapes in Ket traditional culture.” Landscape and culture in Northern Eurasia, ed. Peter Jordan.  Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2011.  Pp. 297-304. 

 “Dene-Yeniseian”. Oxford Bibliographies Online, ed. by Mark Aronoff, 2011

 “Ket”. Peoples of the World, ed. by Steven Danver, 2011.

“Impersonal constructions in Ket” (co-authored with Andrey Nefedov and Andrej Malchukov), in Impersonal constructions: a cross-linguistic perspective, eds. Andrej Malchukov and Anna Siewierska. Amsterdam; New York: John Benjamins, 2011. Pp. 439-458.

“Ket Spiritual Healing through Time and Space”, in Medical Pluralism in Central and Southeastern Siberia: Buriat, Evenki, Orochen, and Ket healing traditions. (Northern People’s Medical Traditions, vol. 1), ed. David G. Anderson.  2010. Edmonton: Canadian Circumpolar Institute Press

 “Ditransitive constructions in Ket” (co-authored with Andrey Nefedov and Andrej Malchukov), in Studies in ditransitive constructions: a comparative handbook, eds. Andrej Malchukov, Martin Haspelmath, and Bernard Comrie. Berlin; New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2010. Pp. 352-381.

“Una relación genealógica entre las lenguas del Nuevo Mundo y de Siberia” (co-authored with Bernard Comrie) Análisis lingüístico: enfoques sincrónico, diacrónico e interdisciplinario, ed. Rosa María Ortiz Ciscomani, 2010. Pp. 291-306.

 “Loanwords in Ket.” Loanwords in the World’s languages: a comparative handbook, eds. Martin Haspelmath and Uri Tadmor. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2009. Pp. 471-494.

“Head-negating enclitics in Ket” Subordination and coordination strategies in North Asian languages, ed. Edward Vajda. 2008. Amsterdam & Philadelphia.  Pp. 179-201.

“Morphotactic rules in Ket finite verb form creation.” Mezhdistsiplinarnoe izuchenie etnosov Sibiri, 15-70. Tomsk: Tomsk Pedagogical University.

“Ket morphology” Morphologies of Asia and Africa, Vol. 2, ed. Alan Kaye, pp. 1277-1325. 2007. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns.  

“Losing semantic alignment: from Proto-Yeniseic to Modern Ket.” The typology of semantic alignment, eds. Mark Donohue & Soeren Wichman. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  2008. Pp. 140-161.

“Distinguishing referential from grammatical function in morphological typology.” Linguistic diversity and language theories, ed. by Zygmunt Frajzyngier, David Rood, and Adam Hodges. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2004. Pp. 397-420.

“Tone and Phoneme in Ket,” Current trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian linguistics: Papers in Honor of Howard I. Aronson (Current issues in linguistic theory.), pp. 291-308.  Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2003.

“Toward a typology of position class: comparing Navajo and Ket verb morphology.” Proceedings from the Fourth Workshop on American Indigenous Languages (Santa Barbara Papers in Linguistics, 11), ed. Jeanie Castillo, pp. 99-114. Santa Barbara, CA: University of California, Santa Barbara. (2001). 

“K tipologii glagola v ketskom jazyke [Typology of the Ket verb],” Sravnitel'no-istoricheskie i tipologicheskie issledovanija jazyka i kul'tury: problemy i perspektivy I: 92-100. Tomsk: TGPU, 2002.

 “Nekotorye grammaticheskie paralleli, ukazyvajushchie na geneticheskoe rodstvo enisejskikh jazykov s odnoj gruppoj indejskikh jazykov Severnoj Ameriki [Some grammatical evidence indicating a genetic link between Yeniseian and one group of North American Indian languages],” Sravnitel'no-istoricheskoe i tipologicheskoe izuchenie jazykov i kul'tur I: 147-154.  Tomsk:  TGPU, 2002.

“The origin of phonemic tone in Ket”, Chicago Linguistics Society 37/2: Parasession on Arctic Languages, pp. 305-320. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.  

“Yeniseian and Athabaskan-Eyak-Tlingit: some grammatical evidence for a genetic relationship.” Sravnitel’no-istoricheskoe i tipologichekoe izuzhenie jazykov i kul’tur, ch. 2, pp. 22-34.  Tomsk:  Tomsk Pedagogical University, 1999.

‘‘K tipologicheskoj kharakteristike tonal’noj sistemy v ketskom jazyke [Toward a typological characterization of the Ket tonal system].’’ Problemy documentatsii ischezajushchikh jazykov i kul’tur I: 49-56.  Ufa; Tomsk, 1999.

“Mezhdu dvumia mirami:  obuchenie amerikantsam russkomu jazyku  [Between Two Worlds:  Teaching Russian in America].” Inostrannyj jazyk kak sredstvo professional’nogo i mezhlichnostnogo obshchenija:  tseli, zadachi i metody obuchenija [Foreign language as a means of professional and interpersonal communication:  goals, problems and teaching methods]: 22-24. SibAGS: Novosibirsk, 1998.

“Ekologicheskaia istoriia i rasprostranenie jazykov [Ecological history and language distribution].’’ Vestnik TGPU. Humanities Series 6: 46-50.  Tomsk, 1998.   

“Dialects of American English.”  Vestnik TGPU. Humanities Series, 6: 36-37.  Tomsk, 1998.   

 “Duranty, Walter.” Encyclopedia USA, Vol. 24, pp. 111-113. Academic International Press: Gulf Breeze, Florida.  1997.

“Russkie suffiksy s emotsional’noj okraskoj [Russian suffixes with emotive meaning].” Metodica prepodavaniia russkogo iazyka i literatury v Amerike [Methods of teaching Russian language and literature in America], pp. 103-111, in Russian.  Russky Yazyk Publishing House: Moscow, 1996.

 “Kazakh Phonology.” Opuscula Altaica: Essays Presented in Honor of Henry Schwarz, pp. 603-650. Western Washington University, 1994.

 “A Critique of the Notion that Language Imprisons the Mind,” Anthropological World: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, 2nd edition, pp. 95-103, 1994.

Book reviews published in refereed journals

Review of Ilya Gerasimov (ed.), A New Imperial History of Northern Eurasia, 600-1700, Choice 61.11 (July. 2024)

Review of Vincent Collette (with Wilma Kennedy), A Concise Dictionary of Nakoda (Assiniboine), Choice 61.2 (Oct. 2023).

Review of Carol Payne et al., Atiqput: Inuit Oral History and Project Naming. Choice 60.11 (July 2023)

Review of Thomas Rosén, Russian in the 1740s, Choice 60.8. (April 2023)

Review of Kira Van Deusen, Tigers and the Internet: Story, Shamans, History. Choice 60.7 (March 2023).

Review of David Costa, As Long as the Earth Endures: Annotated Miami-Illinois Texts, Choice 60.4 (December 2022).

Review of Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer, Galvanizing Nostalgia? Indigeneity and Sovereignty in Siberia. Choice 60.1 (September 2022).

Review of Melissa Demian, In memory of Times to Come: Ironies of History in Southeastern Papua New Guinea. Choice 59.8.

Review of Adrianna Link, Abigail Shelton, and Patrick Spero, Indigenous Languages and the Promise of Archives. Choice 59.6.

Review of Lina Būginė, The Storytelling Human: Lithuanian Folk Tradition Today. Choice 59.4.

Review of Raf Van Rooy, Language or Dialect? Choice 59.3.

Review of Louis-Jacques Dorais, Words of the Inuit. Choice 58.9 (May 2021).

Review of Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev, The Oxford Guide to Transeurasian Languages. Choice 58.9 (May 2021).

Review of Coppélie Cocq and Thomas A. DuBois, Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North. Choice 58.5 (January 2021).

Review of Alex Oehler, Beyond wild and tame: Soiot encounters in a sentient landscape. Choice 58.2 (October 2020).

Review of Haya Bar-Itzhak and Idit Pintel-Ginsberg, The Power of a Tale: Stories from the Israel Folktale Archives. Choice 57.9. (May 2020).

Review of Andreas Hölzl, A typology of questions in Northeast Asia and beyond: An ecological perspective. Journal of Eurasian Studies 1 (January 2019): 357–361.

Review of Laura Harjo, Spiral to the stars: Mvskoke tools of futurity. Choice 57.2 (October 2019).

Review of Natalie Kononenko, Ukrainian epic and historical songChoice 57.2 (October 2019).

Review of Nick Groom, The vampire: a new history. Choice 56.7 (March 2019).

Review of Veronica Davidov, Long night at the Vepsian Museum: The forest folk of Northern Russia and the struggle for cultural survivalChoice 55.10 (June 2018).

Review of Sarah Rivett, Unscripted America: Indigenous languages and the origins of a literary nationChoice 55.9 (May 2018).

Review of Robin Harris, Storytelling in Siberia: The Olonkho epic in a changing world. Choice 55.9 (January 2018).

Review of Anatole Lyovin et al., An introduction to the languages of the World. Word 64.1: 38–43 (March 2018).

Review of Alice Harris, Multiple exponence. Word 64.1: 43–48 (March 2018).

Review of Donatas Brandiašuskas, Leaving footprints in the snow: Luck, spirits, and ambivalence among the Siberian Orochen reindeer herders and hunters. Choice 54.12 (2017).

Review of G. Sampson, Writing systems (2nd ed.). Word 63.4: 275–299 (Dec. 2017).

Review of R. M. W. Dixon, Making new words: Morphological derivation in English. WORD 63.4: 286–288 (Dec. 2017).

Review of C. Bowern and B. Evans (eds.). The Routledge handbook of historical linguistics. WORD 63.4: 280–285 (Dec. 2017).

Review of H. Uchihara Tone and Accent in Oklahoma Cherokee. Word  63.1: 98–102. (2017)

Review of B. Montgomery-Anderson, Reference Grammar of Cherokee. Word 63.1: 92–97. (2017).

Review of John Colarusso and Tamirlan Salbiev (eds.) Tales of the Narts: Ancient myths and legends of the Ossetians. Choice Vol. 54.4. (Dec. 2016).

Review of D. Brown, M. Chumakina and G. Corbett, Canonical Morphology and Syntax. Studies in Language 40.1: 253–257. (2016).

Review of Nikolas Coupland (ed.) Sociolinguistics: theoretical debates. Choice Vol. 54.4. (Dec. 2016).

Review of C. Collins and A. Gruber, A grammar of ǂHȍã. WORD 62.3: 189–191. (2016).

Review of A. Nefedov, Clause linkage in Ket. WORD 62.3: 186–188. (2016).

Review of Y. Xie, Ecological migrants: the relocation of China’s Ewenki reindeer herders. Choice 53.10. (2016).

Review of D. Offord et al. French and Russian in Imperial Russia. Vol.1: Language use among the Russian elite. Choice 53.9. (2016)

Review of I. Nikolaeva, A Grammar of Tundra Nenets. Word 62.4: 268–271. (2016).

Review of M. Fortescue, Comparative Nivkh dictionary. Word 62.4: 272–275. (2016).

Review of M. Fortescue, Comparative Wakashan Dictionary. Word 61.4: 365–367. (2015)

Review of Kees de Bot, A History of Applied Linguistics from 1980 to the Present. Choice 53.3 (November 2015).

Review of E. Jacobson-Tepfer, The Hunter, the Stag, and the Mother of Animals. Choice 53.3 (November 2015).

Review of A Kolås and Yuanyuan Xie, Reclaiming the Forest: The Ewenki Reindeer Herders of Aoluguya. Choice 53.3 (November 2015).

Review of M. Pauly, Breaking the Tongue: Language, Education, and Power in Soviet Ukraine 1923–1934Choice Vol. 52.10. (June 2015).

Review of N. Rude, Umatilla Dictionary. Choice 52.9 (May 2015).

Review of J. Haiman, Cambodian (Khmer). WORD 61.1/3 (April 2015).

Review of J. Janhunen, Mongolian. WORD 61.1/3. (April 2015).

Review of E. MacLean, Iñupiaq to English dictionaryChoice 52.6. (February 2015).

Review of Neil Kent, The Sámi Peoples of the North: A Social and Cultural HistoryChoice, Feb. 2015.

Review of M. Chakars, The Socialist Way of Life in Siberia: Transformation in BuryatiaChoice, Jan. 2015.

Review of Language Contact in Amazonia, A. Aikhenvald, Word 61.1, Jan. 2015.

Review of “And he knew our language”: Missionary linguistics on the Pacific Northwest Coast., M. Tomalin, Word 61.1, Jan. 2015

Review of M. Gorham, After Newspeak: Language, Culture, and Politics in Russia from Gorbachev to PutinChoice, Nov. 2014.

Review of Tragic Spirits: Shamanism, Memory, and Gender in Contemporary Mongolia, M. Buyandelger, Choice, May 2014.

Book review of Lessons from Fort Apache, M. Eleanor Nevins, Choice, Dec. 2013.

Book review of Wayward Shamans: The Prehistory of an Idea, Silvia Tomášková, Choice, Nov. 2013.

Book notice of Recent advances in Tungusic linguistics, A. Malchukov and L. Whaley, Language (online, 2013)

Book review of Does Everyone Want Democracy? Insights from Mongolia, Paula Sabloff, Choice, Oct. 2013.

Book review of The worlds of Russian village women: tradition, transgression, compromise, Laura Olson and Svetlana Adonyeva, Choice, Aug. 2013.

Book review of Narrating the future in Siberia: childhood, adolescence and autobiography among the Eveny, Olga Ulturgasheva, Choice, June 2013

Book review of Klallam Dictionary, Timothy Montler, Choice, May 2013.

Book review of On the run in Siberia, Rane Willerslev, Choice, April 2013.

Review of Orientation systems of the North Pacific Rim, Michael Fortescue, Anthropological linguistics 54.2  (2013).

Review of Bridging divides: ethno-political leadership among the Russian Sámi, by Indra Overland and Mikkel Berg-Nordlie, Choice, March 2013.

Book notice of A grammar of Ubykh, R. Fenwick, Language (online, 2013)  

Book notice of Ute reference grammar, T. Givón, Language (online, 2013)  

Book notice of Burushaski as an Indo-European "kentum" language, I. Casule, Language (online, 2013)

Book notice of The Rusyn language, Stefan Pugh, Language (online, 2012)

Book notice of A grammar of Kwaza, Hein van der Voort, Language (online, 2012)

Book notice of Time in child Inuktitut, Mary Swift, Language (online, 2012)

Review of Mapping Mongolia: Situating Mongolia in the World from Geologic Time to the Present, ed. Paula Sabloff, Choice, Feb. 2012.

Review of The 1926/27 Soviet Polar Census Expeditions, ed. David Anderson, Choice, Jan. 2012.

Review of Not Quite Shamans: Spirit Worlds and Political Lives in Northern Mongolia, M. Pedersen, Choice, Dec. 2011.

Review of Khanty: People of the Taiga. Surviving the 20th Century, Andrew Wiget and Olga Balalaeva, Choice, Nov. 2011.

Review of The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages, ed. Peter K. Austin and Julia Sallabank, Choice, Oct. 2011.

Review of Endangered Languages of Indigenous Peoples of Siberia, by UNESCO, http://lingsib.unesco.ru/en/index-1.htm, Choice March 2011.

Review of Routledge Handbook of World Englishes, ed. by Andy Kirkpatrick, Routledge, 2010, Choice, Feb. 2011. 

Review of The sociolinguistics of globalization, ed. by Jan Blommaert, Choice, Jan. 2011.

Review of The headless state: aristocratic orders, kinship society, and misrepresentation of Nomadic Inner Asia, David Sneath, Choice, 2010

Review of Soul hunters: hunting, animism, and personhood among the Siberian Yukaghirs, R. Willerslev, Choice, 2010

Review of The history of Siberia, I. Naumov, Choice, 2010

Review of The Siberian Saga, ed. Eva-Maria Stolberg. Choice, 2010

Review of Contending with Globalization in World Englishes, ed. by Mukul Saxena and Tope Omoniyi, Multilingual Matters, 2010, Choice, Dec. 2010. 

Review The Language of the Inuit: Syntax, Semantics, and Society, by Louis-Jacques Dorais, McGill-Queen's, 2010, Choice, Dec. 2010. 

Review of Gifts from the Ancestors: Ancient Ivories of Bering Strait, ed. William W. Fitzhugh, Julie Hollowell, and Aron L. Crowell with Robert E. Ackerman et al., Choice, Sept. 2010, vol. 48, No. 01.

Review of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, ed. William W. Fitzhugh, Morris Rossabi and William Honeychurch, Choice July 2010, vol. 47, no.11.

Review of Making Wawa: the Genesis of Chinook Jargon, George Lang, Choice Nov. 2009, vol. 47, no. 3.

Review of One Homeland or Two?: the Nationalization and Transnationalization of Mongolia's Kazakhs, Alexander Diener, Choice, Oct. 2009.

Review of Settlers on the Edge: Identity and Modernization on Russia's Arctic Frontier, Niobe Thompson, Choice, May 2009.

Review of Exile to Siberia: 1590-1822, Andrew Gentes, Choice, May 2009.

Review of From words to Altaic place names, O. Molchanova, Word 60.1: 129–131, Apr. 2009.

Review of What is Morphology, M. Aronoff, K. Fudman, Word 60.1: 131–134, Apr. 2009.

Review of Languages of the Pre-Columbian Antilles, J. Granberry, G. Vescelius, Word 60.1: 135–138, Apr. 2009.

Review of A Gateway to Sindarin, David Salo, Word 60.1: 139–142, Apr. 2009.

Review of A Choctaw reference grammar, George Aaron Broadwell, Word 59.3: 286–289, Dec. 2008.

Review of Choctaw language and culture: Chahta anumpa, vol. 2, Word 59.3: 289–290: Dec. 2008.

Review of The Mongolic languages, Juha Janhunen (ed.), Word 59.3: 292–295, Dec. 2008.

Book notice of A grammar of Tariana, A. Aikhenvald, Language, 2008

Book notice of Pocket Hawaiian dictionary, Albert J. Schütz, Gary N. Kahalo'omalu Kanada and Kenneth William Cook, Language, 2008

Book notice of What's in a verb? Studies in the verbal morphology of the languages of the Americas, eds. Grazyna Rowicka and Eithne Carlin, Language, 2008

Book notice of A practical grammar of San Carlos Apache, Willem de Reuse, Language, 2008

Book notice of A grammar of Mangghuer, Keith Slater, Language, 2008 

Book notice of Maipure, Raoul Zamponi, Language, 2008 

Book notice of Beginning Creek, Pamela Innes, et al, Language, 2008 

Review of Handbook of historical linguistics, B. Joseph and R. Janda, Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 2008

Review of The Miami/Illinois Language, D. Costa, Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 2008

Book notice of Chinese: a comprehensive grammar, Yip Po-Ching and D. Rimmington, Language, 2008

Book notice of Circum-Baltic languages (2vols), eds. Ö. Dahl, M. Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Language, 2008

Review of Oneida-English/English-Oneida dictionary, K. Michelson and M. Doxtator, Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 2008

Review of Yearbook of morphology 1999, Geert Booij et al. Language, 2008

Review of Zur jenissejisch-indianischen Urverwandtschaft, H.Werner, Word 58.3: 219–222 (Dec., 2007)

Review of Russian war films: on the cinema front, 1914-2005, Denise Youngblood, Choice, June, 2007.

Review of A reference grammar of Degema, E. Kari, Word 58.2: 154–156(August 2007)

Review of Adjective classes: a cross-linguistic typology, R.M.W. Dixon and Alexandra Aikhenvald, Word 58.2:150-154 (Aug., 2007)

Review of A grammar of Dene Suline (Chipewyan), Eung-Do Cook, Word 58.1: 52–54 (April 2007)

Review of The Jarawara language of Southern Amazonia, R.M.W. Dixon, Word 58.1: 54–57 (April 2007)

Review of The Navajo sound system, Joyce McDonough, Word 58.1: 57–60 (April 2007)

Review of Evidentiality, A. Aikhenvald, Word 57.2/3: 263–266 (Aug., Dec. 2007).

Review of M.A.Castrén und die Jenissejistik, H.Werner, Word 57.1: 163–166.

Review of Dependent-head synthesis in Nivkh, J. Mattissen, Word 57.1: 158–163.

Review of Word, R.M.W. Dixon and A. Aikhenvald, Word 57.1: 154–157.

Review of Native American place names of the United States, William Bright, Word 57.1: 151–153. 

Review of Singing story, healing drum: shamans and storytelling in Turkic Siberia, Kira Van Deusen, Choice.

Review of The reindeer people: living with animals and spirits in Siberia, Piers Vitebsky, Choice, Nov. 2006.

Review of Aspect in Mandarin Chinese, R. Xiao and T. McEnery, Language 83. 3.

Book notice of Gender in Indo-European, Ranko Matasovic, Language 84.4.

Review of Applied linguistics as social science, Alison Sealey and Bob Carter, Choice, May 2006.

Review of Haida syntax, John Enrico, Word 56.1: 154–158.

Review of Writing, society and culture in Early Rus, S. Franklin, Word 56.1: 158–163.

Review of Russian: a linguistic introduction, P. Cubberley, Word 56.1, 150–154.

Review of Languages of the Himalayas, George van Driem, Word 55.3: 495–499.

Review of Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Jenissej-Sprachen, H. Werner, Word 55/3: 499–502.

Review of The phonology of Hungarian, P. Siptár and M. Törkenczy, Word 55.3: 491–495. 

Review of Morphology 2000, ed. S. Bendjaballah et al, Word 55.3: 487–491.

Review of The museum at the end of the world: encounters in the Russian Far East, Alexia Bloch and Laurel Kendall, Choice (July 2005).

Review of Tone sandhi, M. Chen, Word, Word 55.2: 295–297.  

Review of Word order in Hungarian: the syntax of A-positions, G. Puskás, Word 55.2: 298–301

Review of The complete American Language Reprint Series, Word 55.2: 301–303  

Review of Language and life: essays in memory of Kenneth L. Pike, ed. by M. Wise, T. Headland, R. Brend, Word 55.2: 304–308.

Review of Examining the farming/language dispersals hypothesis, Peter Bellwood and Colin Renfrew (eds.), Journal of Indo-European Linguistics 32.3/4: 376–379. (Fall-Winter, 2004) 

Review of The morphology of Chinese, L. Sagart, Word 55.1: 150–154.

Review of Areal diffusion and genetic linguistics, A. Aikhenvald and R.M.W. Dixon, Word 55.1: 136–142.

Review of An introduction to English phonology, A. McMahon, Word 55.1: 146–149.

Review of Frequency and the emergence of linguistic structure, ed Joan Bybee, Paul Hopper, Word 55.1: 143–146.

Review of Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, C. Atwood, Choice. Nov. 2004

Review of The Secret History of the Mongols, Igor de Rachewiltz, Choice, September 2004.

Review of A student grammar of Euskara, J. Patrick and I. Ibarrondo, Language 80.3: 632–633.

Review of Onondaga-English/English-Onondaga dictionary, H. Woodbury, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 49.1: 130–132.  

Review of Cayuga-English/English-Cayuga dictionary, F. Froman et al, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 49. 132–133. 

Review of Hungarian Syntax, K. É.-Kiss, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 49.1: 133–135.

Review of Writing systems, F. Coulmas, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 49.1: 135–138.

Review of Auxiliation: an enquiry into the nature of grammaticalization, Tania Kuteva, Word 54.3: 464–466.

Review of Ukrainian: a comprehensive grammar, S. Pugh and Ian Press, Word 54.3: 468–470.

Review of The historical morphology of the Baltic verb, William R. Schmalstieg, Word 54.3: 471–472.

Review of People of the Drum of God – Come!, P. Neeley, Word 54.3: 466–468.

Review of Red ties and residential schools: indigenous Siberians in a post-Soviet state, A. Bloch, Choice, July 2004.

Review of Nomadic empires: from Mongolia to the Danube, by A. M. Berret, Choice, July 2004.

Book notice of A grammar of Cham, G. Thurgood, Language 80.2: 358–359.

Review of The social life of the state in Subarctic Siberia, N. V. Ssorin-Chaikin, Choice, March 2004.

Review of The other side of Russia, S. Hudgins, Choice, December 2003.

Book notice of Yukaghir texts, E. Maslova, Language 79.4: 813.

Book notice of The Slavonic languages, eds. B. Comrie and G. Corbett, Language 79.4: 795–796.

Book notice of Ideophones, ed. F.K. Voeltz and Christa Kilian-Hatz, Language 79.4: 823–824.  

Book notice of Syntax, T. Givón, Language 79.4: 803–804.

Book notice of Complex sentences in grammar and discourse, eds. Joan Bybee and Michael Noonan, Language 79.4: 833–834.

Review of Material culture and sacred landscape, P. Jordan, Choice November 2003.

Review of The Hausa language, P. Newman, Word 54.1: 152–155.

Review of Die Burushaski-Sprache von Hunza und Nager, H.Berger, Word 54.1: 149–152.

Book notice of Pattern and process: a Whiteheadian perspective on linguistics, M. Fortescue, Language 79.3: 653.

Book notice of The handbook of Australian languages, eds. R.M.W. Dixon, Barry Blake, Language 79.3: 650–651.

Review of Transitivity, Abraham et al, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48.1/2: 109–111.

Review of Reduplication, Eric Raimy, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48.1/2: 111–113.

Review of Nishnaabemwin reference grammar. J.R. Valentine, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48.1/2: 113–115.

Review of The Uralic language family: facts, myths, and statistics. A. Marcantonio, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48.1/2: 117–121.

Review of Tuscarora-English/English-Tuscarora dictionary, B. Rudes, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 48.1/2: 115–117.

Book notice of Non-canonical marking of subjects and objects, eds. A. Aikhenvald, R. Dixon, M. Onishi, Language 79.2: 426.  

Book notice of Evidentials: Turkic, Iranian and neighboring languages, eds. Lars Johanson, Bo Utas, Language 79.2: 440–441.

Book notice of Slovene: A comprehensive grammar, Peter Herrity, Language 79.2: 438–439. 

Book notice of The phonology of Standard Chinese, San Duanmu, Language 79.2: 435–536. 

Book notice of An introduction to syntax, Robert van Valin, Language 79/1: 224–225.

Book notice of Inflectional morphology, G. Stump, Language 79/1: 225.

Review of The collected works of Bronislaw Pilsudski (vv. 1-2), ed. A. Majewicz, Word 53/3: 433–437. (Dec. 2002).

Review of Morpheme order and semantic scope, Keren Rice, Word 53/3: 437–442. (Dec. 2002).

Review of Toward a new millennium: ten years of the indigenous movement in Russia, eds. T. Koehler and K. Wessendorf, Choice, March 2003.  

Review of The Nostratic macrofamily. A. Dolgopolsky, Journal of Indo-European Linguistics 30.3/4: 66–68. (Fall/Winter 2002).

Review of Nostratic: examining a linguistic macrofamily, ed. C. Renfrew and D. Nettle, Journal of Indo-European Linguistics 30.3/4: 68–71. (Fall/Winter 2002).

Review of America past, America present: genes and language in the Americas and beyond, ed. C. Renfrew, Journal of Indo-European Linguistics 30.3/4: 72–73. (Fall/Winter 2002). 

Review of The shaman's coat: a native history of Siberia, Anna Reid, Choice (Dec. 2002).

Review of The Mongols at China's gate, U. Bulag, Choice (Dec. 2002).

Review of Bantu historical linguistics, L. Hyman, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 47.1/2: 111–113. 

Book notice of Reconstructing grammar, ed. S. Gildea, Language 78.2: 594–595. (2002).

Book notice of Phonology and phonetics in Coatzospan Mixtec, Chip Gerfen, Language 78.3: 593–594. (2002). 

Book notice of Dictionary of Creek, Jack Martin and Margaret Mauldin, Language 78.3: 595–596. (2002).

Book notice of Parameters of Slavic aspect, S. Dickey, Language 78.3: 592–593. (2002) 

Book notice of The Korean language, Iksop Lee and S. Robert Ramsey, Language 78.3: 593. (2002). 

Book notice of Indigenous languages of Lowland South America, eds. Heine van der Voort and Simon van de Kerke, Language 78.3: 591–592. (2002). 

Book notice of Coding the hypothetical, J. Hacking, Language 78.3: 590–591. (2002). 

Review of Compendium of the World's languages, G. Campbell, Language 78.2: 339–342. (2002). 

Review of Beyond great walls: environment, identity, and development on the Chinese grasslands of Inner Mongolia, Dee Mack Williams, Choice.

Review of Tibetan, P. Denwood, Word 53/2, pp. 274-276. 

Review of The roots of Old Chinese, L. Sagart, Word 53/2, pp. 284-286.

Review of A comparative study of Bantu noun classes, J. Maho, Word 53/2, pp. 280-283.

Review of The tonology of Khoekhoe, W. Haacke, Word 53/2, pp. 277-280.

Review of Language change and typological variation, eds. E. Polomé and C. Justus, Word 53.1: 131–135.  

Review of The Foundations of Latin, Philip Baldi, Word 53.1: 127–131.

Review of The Korowai of Irian Jaya, Gerrit van Enk and Lourens de Vries, Word 53.1: 141–145.

Review of Cases and thematic roles, B. Primus, Word 53.1: 136–140.

Book notice of Conversational strategies in Akan, S. Obeng, Language 77.4: 856–857. (2001). 

Review of Contact languages: a wider perspective, ed. S. Thomason, Word 52/2: 328–333.  

Review of Language Relations across Bering Strait, M. Fortescue, Word 52.2: 319–324.  

Review of On Reconstructing Grammar: Comparative Cariban Morphysyntax, S. Gildea, Word 52.2: 324–328.

Review of Salish Languages and Linguistics: Theoretical and Descriptive Perspectives, Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins, M. Dale Kinkade, eds., Word 52.2: 316–319.

Review of Classifiers: a typology of noun categorization devices, A. Aikhenvald, Journal of Linguistics 38: 137–141. (2002). 

Review of Changing valency: case studies in transitivity, eds. R. M. W. Dixon and A. Aikhenvald, Journal of Linguistics 38: 157–162. (2002) 

Review of Vietnamese classifiers in narrative texts, Karen Ann Daley, Word, pp. 483–486. (Dec. 2001). 

Review of Cheyenne major constituent order, Elena Leman, Word (Dec. 2001), pp. 493–496.

Review of Rongorongo: The Easter Island script, S. R. Fischer, Word (Dec. 2001), pp. 487–492.  

Review of Reading and writing the Lakota language, Albert White Hat, Word (Dec. 2001), pp. 496–500.

Review of Tundra passages: history and gender in the Russian Far East, P. Rethmann, Choice 39.3 (Nov. 2001).  

Review of Siberian village: land and life in the Sakha Republic, B. Bychkova Jordan, Choice, 39/3 (Nov. 2001).

Review of The flying tiger: women shamans and storytellers of the Amur, Kira Van Deusen, Choice, 39.3. (Nov. 2001).  

Review of The Salish language family: reconstructing syntax, Paul Kroeber, Journal of Canadian Linguistics 45.3/4: 332–335. (Sept.–Dec. 2000).  

Book notice of The linguasphere register of the world's languages and speech communities, D. Dalby, Language 77.3: 606–608. (Sept. 2001). 

Book notice of Language history, A. Sihler, Language 77.3: 605–606. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of Animacy and reference, G. Price, Language 77.3: 606. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of Sonora Yaqui language structures, J. Dedrick and E. Casad, Language 77.3: 630. (Sept. 2001). 

Book notice of Reciprocals: forms and functions, Z. Frajzyngier and T. Curl, Language 77.3: 627–628. (Sept. 2001). 

Book notice of External possession, eds. D. Payne and I. Barshi, Language 77.3: 624–625. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of Control in grammar and pragmatics, R. Ruzicka, Language 77.3: 628–629. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of A grammar of Mothruvallabok, de Lieew, Language 77.3: 626–627. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of A handbook of Slavic Clitics, S. Franks and T. King, Language 77.3: 629–630. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of Prosodic features and prosodic structures: the phonology of suprasegmentals, A. Fox, Language 77.3: 627–628. (Sept. 2001).

Book notice of Historical linguistics 1995. Vol. 1: General issues and non-Germanic languages, eds. J. Smith and D. Bentley, Language 77.3: 625–626. (Sept. 2001). 

Review of Approaches to the Typology of Word Classes, eds. Petra Vogel and Bernard Comrie, Journal of Linguistics 37: 461–462. (2001). 

Review of A Grammar of Meithei, S. Chelliah, Word, 52.1: 151–160. (April 2001) 

Review of Nivkh, E. Gruzdeva, Word, 52.1: 156­–160. (April 2001). 

Review of Gunin, Nyulnyul, Warrwa, W. McGregor, Word, 52.1: 160–163. (April 2001).

Book notice of The Russian Language Today, L. Ryazanova-Clarke and T. Wade, Language 77.2: 397–398. (June 2001).

Book notice of Ikalanga Phonetics and Phonology, J. Mathangwane, Language 77.2: 400. (June 2001)

Book notice of The grammar of focus, G. Rebuschi and Tuller (eds.), Language 77.2: 399–400. (June 2001). 

Book notice of Studies in Caucasian linguistics, van den Berg, Language 77.2: 398–399. (June 2001). 

Review of The Amazonian languages, R. W. M. Dixon and A. Aikhenvald, Journal of Linguistics 37: 187–94. (2001). 

Review of Handbook of Amazonian languages, Vol. 4, D. Derbyshire and G. Pullum, Language 77. 2: 360–363. (June 2001). 

Book notice of Issues of Minority Peoples, eds. F. Karttunen and Jan-Ola Östman, Language, vol. 77.2: 414. (June 2001). 

Book notice of Manchu: A Textbook for Reading Documents, G. R. Li, Language 77.2: 414–415. (June 2001). 

Book notice of Encyclopedia of the languages of Europe, ed. G. Price, Language 77.2: 415–416. (June 2001). 

Book notice of Perspectives on the Bird's Head of Irian Jaya, Indonesia, ed. J. Miedeme et al., Language, vol. 77.2: 416. (June, 2001).

Book notice of The Structure of Tone, Zhimin Bao, Language 77.1: 186–187. (2001)

Book notice of Surmic Languages and Cultures, G. Dimmendaal and M. Last, Language 77.1: 185. (2001).

Book notice of Power Sharing, E. Keating, Language 77.1: 185–186. (2001)

Book notice of A Grammar of Koyraboro (Koroboro) Senni, J. Heath, Language 77.1: 183–184. (2001).

Book notice of Tariana Texts and Cultural Context, A. Aikhenvald, Language 77.1: 183. (2001). 

Book notice of The Korean Language, Ho-min Sohn, Language 77.1: 184–185. (2001)

Book notice of Cross-Border Languages in Africa, K. Legère (ed.), Language 76.4: 931.  

Book notice of North Sulawesi Language Survey, S. Merrifield and M. Salea, Language 76.4: 930–931. 

Book notice of Handbook of the International Phonetic Association, Language 76/4: 928.

Book notice of Proceedings of the Conference on Northwest Caucasian Languages, A. Sumru Özsoy (ed.), Language 76/4: 929–930  

Book notice of The language of the Ogam Inscriptions of Scotland, Richard Cox, Language 76.4: 929.

Review of The Languages of Native North America, Marianne Mithun, Journal of Linguistics 36: 608–612. (2000)

Review of The Grammar of Possession: Inalienability, incorporation and possessor ascension in Guaraní, Maura Velázquez-Castillo, Word 51.3: 465–471. (Dec. 2000)  

Review of Nominal Classification in Aboriginal Australia, Mark Harvey and Nicholas Reid (eds), Word 51.3: 461–465. (Dec. 2000).

Review of The languages of the former Soviet Republics, G. Fouse, Choice 38.2 (Oct. 2000).  

Review of Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture, eds. J.P. Mallory and D. Adams, Canadian Journal of Linguistics 44.3: 320–323.

Book notice of Lexical Perspectives of Transitivity and Ergativity, M. Lemmens, Language 76.3: 729.

Book notice of Estonian Prosody, I. Lehiste, J. Ross (eds), Language, 76.3: 730–731.  

Book notice of Morphophonemic Variability, Productivity, and Change: The Case of Rusyn, M. Harasowska, Language 76.3: 728–729.

Book notice of Endangered Languages of Africa, M. Brenzinger (ed.), Language 76.3: 729–730.  

Review of Studies in Honor of Jaan Puhvel, 2 vols, John Greppin, Edgar Polomé (eds), for Word 51.2, pp. 287–290. (Aug. 2000)

Review of The Indo-European Languages, A.G. Ramat and P. Ramat, eds., Journal of Linguistics 36.2. (2000).

Review of New Approaches to Chinese Word Formation: Morphology, Phonology and the Lexicon in Modern and Ancient Chinese, Word 51.2: 294–298. (Aug. 2000).

Review of American Pronunciation (12th ed.), John Samuel Kenyon, Word 51.2: 290–294. (Aug. 2000).

Book notice of Numeral Types and Changes Worldwide, Gvozdanovic, Diachronica 17.2: 472–473 (2000).

Book notice of The Turkic Protolanguage: A Computational Reconstruction, Gyula Décsy, Language 76.2: 473–474. (June 2000)  

Book notice of Few People, Many Tongues: The Languages of Namibia, J. Maho, Language 76.2: 474. (June 2000). 

Book notice of An Etymological Dictionary of the Kartvelian Languages, Georgij A. Klimov, Language 76. 2: 475. (June 2000).

Book notice of Lushootseed Reader with Intermediate Grammar, T. Hess, Language 76.2: 486–487. (June 2000) 

Book notice of An Ethnographic Grammar of the Eipo Language Spoken in the Central Mountains of Irian Jaya, V. Heeschen, Language 76.2: 487. (June 2000). 

Book notice of People, Countries, and the Rainbow Serpent: Systems of Classification Among the Lardil of Mornington Island, David McKnight, Language 76.2: 487–488. (June 2000).

Review of The Navajo Verb: A Grammar for Students and Scholars, Leonard M. Faltz, Word, vol. 51.1: 125–129. (April 2000).

Review of A Language of Our Own: The Genesis of Michif, the Mixed Cree-French Language of the Canadian Métis, Peter Bakker, Word 51.1: 120–125. (April 2000).

Book notice of Lithuanian Grammar, Vytautas Ambrazas, ed., Language 76.1: 203–204. (March 2000).

Review of Encyclopedia of Russian and Slavic Myth and Legend, M. Dixon-Kennedy, Choice (May 1999).

Review of American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America, Lyle Campbell, Word 50.3: 450–455. (1999).

Review of Language Contact in the Arctic: Northern Pidgins and Contact Languages, E. H. Jahr, I. Broch, eds., Word 50.3: 455–460. (1999).

Review of Material’naia kul’tura bachatskikh teleutov [Material Culture of the Bachat Teleuts] and Dukhovnaia kul’tura teleutov [Teleut Spiritual Culture], Dmitrii Katsiuba, Central Asiatic Journal 43.1: 9–10.  Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden. (1999).

Review of Comparative Kadai: The Tai Branch, ed. by J. Edmondson and D. Solnit, Word 50.1: 125–128. (April 1999).

Review of Nancy Ries, Russian Talk: Culture and Conversation during Perestroika, for Choice (Aug. 1998). 

Review of Identity in Formation, T. Laitin, Choice (Nov. 1998).

Review of Mobilian Jargon, E. Drechsel, Word 49.3: 473–477. (1998).

Review of Polnyi slovar’ sibirskogo govora [Complete Dictionary of a Siberian Dialect], O. Blinova, chief editor, Russian Language Journal, LII, Nos. 171–173: 432–433. (1998).

Review of P. Petro’s A History of Slovak Literature, Choice (August 1996).

Review of W. Vucinich’s Ivo Andric Revisited: The Bridge Still Stands, Choice (October 1996).

Review of R. Pynsent’s The Literature of Nationalism: Essays on East European Identity, Choice (December 1996).