Lindsey Smith, PhD
Assistant Professor of French, French Section Coordinator, ELP Curriculum Coordinator (French)
Lindsey Leigh Smith has been teaching undergraduate language, literature, and culture courses at Western Washington University since 2019. Before joining WWU, she taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (where she also served as the Assistant Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary French Studies), Aix-Marseille Université, Luther College, and as a language assistant in Guadeloupe. A scholar of the francophone Caribbean, Lindsey focuses on the interplay of French and Creole in contemporary Caribbean literature as well as on the intersections of literature, history, and the performing arts in Guadeloupe and Martinique. Drawing on the work of Édouard Glissant, among others, she is currently working on a project called Writing Relation: Multimodal Resistance in the francophone Caribbean that examines the ways in which multimodal artforms and their literary representations have been, and continue to be, instrumental in decolonial movements across the region.
Faculty Research Interest
Literature of the francophone Caribbean, multimodal expression and stylistics, theories of creolization and relation, the literary representation of music, the digital humanities, Caribbean history, Caribbean creole languages and literatures, augmented and virtual realities
Current Courses
Academic Year 2024-2025:
F2024: French 101, French 301, French 425
W2025: French 202, French 497, French 425
SP2025: French 104, French 203, French 425
Past WWU Courses
French 101: Elementary French
French 104: Review of Elementary French
French 201: Intermediate French
French 202: Intermediate French
French 203: Intermediate French
French 301: Grammar Review and Composition
French 331: Cultures et sociétés de France
French 341: Introduction à la littérature française II (17e-18e siècles)
French 385: Culture et conversation (l'artivisme)
French 397e: Cultures des Antilles francophones
French 397f: Introduction aux littératures du monde francophone
French 401: Advanced Composition
French 497b: Littérature des Antilles francophones (écologies littéraires)
Advisor for French 425 tutors, French Curriculum Coordinator for the Employee Language Program, Co-liaison for the Table Française