Dr. Rita Daniels

Associate Professor



Dr. Daniels joined the Communication Studies Department in September 2016. She has taught a variety of classes related to her areas of specialty and research interests. She is deeply interested in the notions of gender that are encouraged, accepted, and deeply woven into the social fabric and how these notions influence the identity of individuals in organizational and intercultural communication settings. As an organizational communication teacher-scholar, being a mentor is Rita's way of contributing to collegiality in the workplace. Read more about her faculty mentor contributions here: TLCo-op Faculty Mentors and Contributions (wwu.edu). You will also find more information on her student mentees' contributions here: Western CEDAR - Scholars Week: Feminist Mother in a Hyper-masculine Society (wwu.edu)

As hobbies, Professor Daniels likes watching movies and spending time with her family. She loves to travel the world and appreciates life as a gift. 


Ph.D. Communication Studies, West Virginia University
M.A. International Studies, Ohio University
M.Phil. Business Communication, University of Education, Ghana
B.Ed. English, University of Education, Ghana

Research Interests

  • Workplace experiences, women career progression, decolonization, Afrocentrism

Current Courses

Fall 2023

  • Research Methods in Communication (COMM 398)
  • Organizational Communication (COMM 228)

Winter 2024

  • Organizational Communication (COMM 228)
  • Gender and Communication (COMM 465)

Spring 2024

  • Communication, Identity, and Difference (COMM 260)
  • Communication and Conflict (COMM 303)

Selected Publications

Daniels, R. (2022). (Un)masking self in the ivory tower: An African herstory. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 50(3), 275-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/00909882.2022.2083422 

50 free E-copies = https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/NQW5BDVRHTRJNNSHT2FE/full?target=10.1080/00909882.2022.2083422

Daniels, R. (2022). Different waters: A Tale of workplace experiences. In J. S. Wrench (Ed), Casing Organizational Communication (Case #16). Kendall Hunt.


Daniels, R. (2022). Racing toward an African Inclusion: De-essentializing the Global South. In K. Langmia (Ed), Decolonizing Communication Studies (pp. 42–56). Cambridge.

Decolonizing Communication Studies - Cambridge Scholars Publishing 

Daniels, R. & Rittenour, C. E. (2020). Reproducing work and family norms through daughter-parent communication. Journal of Personal and Social Relationships, 37(7), 2323–2341. https://doi.org/10.1177/0265407520922912