Spanish Language Program

The Spanish Section has chosen Professor Hoffman to be their Point Person for Spanish Outreach. Feel free to contact her if you know of any event or activity that may be of interest to our Spanish students.

Spanish Advisors

The Spanish Section of the Department of Modern and Classical Languages provides instruction in language, literature, linguistics, and culture. Students of Spanish acquire the skills required to not only speak the language, but also to learn about and appreciate Hispanic societies, cultures, and artistic expressions. The guiding principle of the curriculum is that one of the best ways to understand a culture is directly through its language.
Spanish at Western is taught both holistically and analytically. Holistic language learning is facilitated by modern communicative methods and multimedia technology, as well as through foreign study opportunities. The section supports the analytical instruction of language structure through a full range of language skills courses, as well as a significant number of courses in linguistics. The Spanish language curriculum is diverse and varied, but the programmatic objective is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire the skills to be able to communicate in Spanish with near-native proficiency.

Literary analysis is essential to a student's understanding of the highest achievements in aesthetic expression of a culture's values. The Spanish curriculum thus includes instruction in history and culture, as well as literary theory, with an end to enabling the student to gain access to the intellectual life of Hispanic culture.

The multifaceted curriculum of the Spanish program provides an opening to the Hispanic world through language, literature, culture and civilization. It is, therefore, a true representation of the diversity that characterizes the Spanish-speaking world.


Reasons to Consider Majoring in Spanish

  • Spanish is the 2nd most spoken language in the US.
  • Spanish as a language spoken at home by about 37 million speakers make the US the 5th largest Spanish-speaking community in the world.
  • Spanish is the 4th most spoken language in the world with 537 million native and second language learners.
  • Language learning provides many benefits including greater academic achievement and greater cognitive development.
  • Language learning is essential in order to participate in the modern globalized economy of the 21st century.
  • At Western, it only takes 5 quarters to complete the 60-credit coursework program requirement.

First-Year Spanish

Fundamentals of the language: pronunciation, grammar, aural comprehension, reading and speaking.

Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Fundamentals of the language: pronunciation, grammar, aural comprehension, reading and speaking.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 101.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Fundamentals of the language: pronunciation, grammar, aural comprehension, reading and speaking.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 102.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: BCOM

Designed for students with two years of high school Spanish or equivalent to prepare them for the intermediate level through review and development of basic structure and vocabulary. Also for students needing a review of the first year. Offered fall only.

Prerequisites & Notes: Two years of high school Spanish recommended.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: BCOM

Second-Year Spanish

Review of fundamentals: understanding, speaking, reading and writing.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 103 or SPAN 104 or equivalent.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: BCOM

Review of fundamentals: understanding, speaking, reading and writing.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 201.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: HUM

Review of fundamentals: understanding, speaking, reading and writing.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 202.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: HUM

Third-Year Spanish

Language development, including written composition, vocabulary building, analysis of grammatical problems and discussion of selected Spanish texts.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 203 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: HUM

Language development, including written composition, vocabulary building, analysis of grammatical problems and discussion of selected Spanish texts.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 301.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter
GUR Attributes: HUM

Development of speaking skills in communicative situations. S/U grading.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 203 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: S/U

Fourth-Year Spanish

Review of key grammar topics and special focus on essay writing at the advanced level.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 302 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Additional Spanish Courses - 300 level

An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

Credits: 1-15

SPAN 314 is a linguistics course on Spanish phonetics - the sounds of Spanish. The course is designed to give students the opportunity to improve their production of the sounds of Spanish, describe the sound inventory of Spanish, and become familiar with the phonetic characteristics of the different varieties of Spanish in the world.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 301 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Survey of Spanish culture.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 301 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Survey of Latin American culture.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 301 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Provides students with the practical and cultural knowledge necessary for work in the Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis on professional customs and practice, with considerable vocabulary exposure.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 203.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Development of vocabulary, communicative skills, and cultural knowledge relevant to the academic and professional fields of healthcare professions.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 203.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Selected works of major Hispanic authors, with emphasis on reading improvement and methods of textual interpretation.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 302 or instructor permission
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Historical survey of ten centuries of Spanish (Peninsular) literature.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 340.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Historical survey of Latin American literature from the pre-Hispanic period until the present.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 340.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Additional Spanish Courses - 400 level

An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

Credits: 1-15

This course explores all core areas of Spanish language & linguistics: phonology (sound system), morphology (word formation), semantics (meaning), syntax (phrase formation), and language variation across the Spanish-speaking world. Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure and usage of Spanish.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 302 or SPAN 314
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Practicum in teaching Spanish. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 credits, including original course. S/U grading.

Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of department and two courses in upper- division Spanish.
Credits: 2
Grade Mode: S/U

Selected films and readings. Emphasis on film as a medium through which to achieve understanding of chosen topics in various cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Repeatable up to 10 credits under different topics, including original course.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 302
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Study of major areas in Hispanic linguistics. Topics may include history of the Spanish language, lexicology, phonology, morphology, syntax, dialectology or sociolinguistics. Repeatable with different topics to a maximum of 10 credits, including original course.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 302 and LING 201, or SPAN 314, or SPAN 404; or instructor permission.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

Major authors and movements. Repeatable with different topics up to 10 credits, including original course.

Prerequisites & Notes: SPAN 351 or SPAN 352.
Credits: 5
Grade Mode: Letter

An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply.

Credits: 1-15

Spanish Placement Test

The Spanish Placement Test is required for all students who wish to study a Spanish course at Western.

Learn more about the Spanish Placement Test (SPT)