English Literature
English - Emphasis in Literature (60 Credits)
Download the English - Literature Emphasis, BA plan of study
The literature emphasis offers students the opportunity for both breadth and depth in the study of literature and culture. In the "Literature and Culture" courses (ENG 307-321), which are the core of the major, students gain a sense of historical scope as they explore literatures from a range of periods. In addition, majors take required courses in critical and cultural theory, writing and the history and theory of language. All of these courses provide a solid foundation for intensive study of specialized topics in the upper-level electives and in the senior seminar.
- Two literature and culture seminars from: ENG 307, 308, 309, 310, 311. Eras taken as a seminar cannot be taken as a survey. If an era is repeated, it will not count toward the major.
- Two literature and culture surveys from: ENG 317, 318 , 319, 320, 321. Eras taken as a survey cannot be taken as a seminar. If an era is repeated, it will not count toward the major.
- One course from ENG 301, 302, 350, 401
- ENG 313
- ENG 314
- ENG 418 (418 is not repeatable and cannot be used as an elective for the major)
- Four literature electives. 15 credits must be at the 400 level, 5 credits at either the 300 or 400 level; 300-level historical period courses (e.g. medieval, early modern, etc.) cannot be repeated. 15 credits must be taken from the courses listed below.
- ENG 331 - Studies in Gender Theory
- ENG 332 - Literature and Philosophy
- ENG 333 - Topics in Global Literature
- ENG 334 - Literary and Creative Expression Across North America and Europe
- ENG 335 - Literary and Creative Expressions Across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America
- ENG 336 - Scriptural Literatures
- ENG 338 - Women and Literature in North America and Europe
- ENG 339 - Mythology and Literature
- ENG 341 - Studies in Children's Literature
- ENG 342 - Studies in Literary Genres
- ENG 343 - Critical Childhood Studies
- ENG 347 - Studies in Young Adult Literature
- ENG 364 - Introduction to Film Studies
- ENG 365 - Topics in Film History
- ENG 406 - Topics in Critical and Cultural Theory
- ENG 408 - Cultural Studies
- ENG 410 - Studies in Literary History
- ENG 415 - Special Topics in National Literatures
- ENG 423 - Studies in Major Authors
- ENG 427 - Queer Studies
- ENG 464 - Topics in Film Studies
Download the English - Literature Emphasis, BA plan of study
Review the English - Literature Emphasis, BA in the university catalog.
Ready to Declare an English Major?
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Please use your Western email and include your W# in all emails to English advisors. Office hours are updated every quarter and do not include holidays and breaks.

General English Advisor
Elle Starr
Advisor to prospective and new English majors. Assistance with English major and minor declaration, major changes, and general undergraduate inquiries.
Elle.Starr@wwu.edu | 360-650-6846

Major Advisor: Literature
Kathryn Vulić
Advisor to declared English majors with Literature Emphasis. Assistance with major advising and major and minor evaluations.
Also advises students in English minor and Women's Literature minor programs.
Kathryn.Vulic@wwu.edu | View office hours