Incoming & Transfer Students

A&R Information

Have you made a reservation for an A&R (Advising & Registration) session? A&R is a one-day advising and academic planning session in Zoom for students who have recently been admitted to Western Washington University. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about registration as an incoming or transfer student at Western! 

Make a reservation!

Registering for Fall 2024?

Learn more about fall quarter English courses by reviewing our Course Descriptions Page here!

If you are working on completing your General University Requirements (GURs), consider the following courses: 

  • ENG 101: Writing Your Way Through WWU (Fulfills GUR: ACOM)
  • ENG 202: Writing About Literature (Fulfills GUR: BCOM and is a prerequisite to declare an English Major with an emphasis in Creative Writing or Literature)
  • ENG 238: Society Through Its Literature (First-Year Experience Course and fulfills GUR: HUM.) First Year Experience seminars are GUR courses offered for incoming first-year students with a focus on integrating community-building and general advising into a first-year class. 

Incoming Student Information

The English Department wishes you a warm welcome to WWU! We hope the time you spend here is filled with learning, challenge, enlightenment, and most of all, fulfillment. To make your declaration as an English major as simple as possible, we have provided some important information below.

Western's English Department offers one major with six emphases, giving our majors the unique opportunity to focus on a specific professional field or proficiency. Students complete foundational courses in composition, critical theory and literary analysis—while selecting electives aligned with their focus area and professional ambitions. Teaching endorsement options are available for students interested in teaching middle and high school grade English.   

English Major Options

English, BA with:

  • Literature Emphasis (60 credits)
  • Literature Emphasis and Teaching Endorsement (65 credits*)
  • Creative Writing Emphasis (58-60 credits)
  • Creative Writing Emphasis and Teaching Endorsement (75 credits*)
  • Film and Media Studies Emphasis (55-60 credits)
  • Multi-lingual Education Emphasis and Teaching Endorsement Options (59 credits*)

*Aspiring secondary education teachers should keep in mind that +58 additional credits are required (in addition to their English major and endorsement) to attain teacher certification through WWU Woodring College of Education. Students completing multiple endorsements may also have additional coursework after admission to WWU Woodring College of Education. 

You can check out the lists of required courses for each of these programs on our English Majors page.

Before you can declare your English major...

Students must meet a few program prerequisites prior to declaring their English major. Prerequisites may include a general completed credit requirement or specific courses to complete prior to applying for the English major. Prerequisites can vary by program—so be sure to review the specific prerequisites for your desired major emphasis below!

Prerequisites by Major Emphasis:
  1. 60 college credits completed at time of declaration. Completed credits do not include registered credits or credits in progress.
  2. English 202: Writing About Literature or equivalent course. Students must pass ENG 202 with a C- or above to remain eligible for declaration. Students registered for ENG 202 or taking ENG 202 may apply for the English major, but major status will be contingent upon eventually passing the course with a C- or above.
  1. 60 college credits completed at time of declaration. Completed credits do not include registered credits or credits in progress.
  2. Students are strongly encouraged to complete English 101: Writing your way through WWU (or equivalent course) prior to applying to this major. 
  1. 60 college credits completed at time of declaration. Completed credits do not include registered credits or credits in progress.
  2. English 202: Writing About Literature or equivalent course. Students must pass ENG 202 with a C- or above to remain eligible for declaration. Students registered for ENG 202 or taking ENG 202 may apply for the English major, but major status will be contingent upon eventually passing the course with a C- or above.
  3. Satisfactory completion of one course from ENG 234, ENG 235, ENG 236, or ENG 239.

Applying for the English Major

Step One: Meet with an English Advisor

Once you meet the prerequisites for your English major, we strongly recommend meeting with an English advisor to discuss and apply for your major! If you are attending A&R, you will have the opportunity to meet with English advisors during your A&R date. If you are not able to attend A&R, visit our English Advising page to connect with an advisor! 

Step Two: Submit a Declaration Form

Once you are ready and eligible to declare your major, submit a declaration form to apply. Links to declaration forms and instructions are available here! Please be sure to follow all instructions carefully to ensure you are admitted to the program as soon as possible!

If you are attending A&R: you can attend an English Department Advising session and complete these steps with an English advisor. 

Information for High-Credit Transfer Students

If you will be transferring with your AA, you will have over 60 college credits completed already. 

For out-of-state transfers:

You can check the Transfer Course Equivalency Guide to see if any of the courses you took at your previous college are equivalent to Western's ENG 202: Writing About Literature course. If the course transfers to WWU as ENG 202, it is equivalent. If the course transfers to WWU as ENG 2TT or 2XX, it is not a direct equivalent, but may still fulfill GUR requirements and count toward your total credit requirement. 

For in-state transfers, only the following Washington courses are equivalent to Western's ENG 202 at this time:

  • Gonzaga University ENGL 200 - Intermediate Composition
  • Skagit Valley College ENGL 202 - Intro to Literature
  • Tacoma Community College ENGL 103 - Coll. Comp. Writing About Lit.
  • Washington State University ENGL 302 - Writing About Literature
  • Wenatchee Valley College ENGL 202 - Composition: Critical Analysis
  • Whatcom Community College ENGL 202 - Writing About Literature

ENG 202 and High-Credit Transfer Options:

Students who have completed 60+ college credits and only need ENG 202 to declare their English major can register for ENG 202 (or an equivalent course) during their first quarter at Western and apply for the major immediately. However, depending on your transfer credit status, you may choose to register for a "Transfer Year Equivalency" course instead of ENG 202. 

For Fall 2024, the English Department is offering several sections of ENG 202 and two equivalent courses for high-credit transfer students: 

  • ENG 202: Writing About Literature: Fulfills a BCOM general university requirement (GUR). Recommended for transfer and incoming students with outstanding GUR requirements.
  • ENG 320 TYE: Survey: The Long 19th Century: Transfer year equivalency (TYE) course, equivalent to ENG 202 and applies to English major requirements. Recommended for high-credit transfer students who have already completed GUR requirements, an Associate Degree or a DTA (direct transfer agreement).
  • ENG 321 TYE: Survey: The 20-21st Century: Transfer year equivalency (TYE) course, equivalent to ENG 202 and applies to English major requirements. Recommended for high-credit transfer students who have already completed GUR requirements, an Associate Degree, or a DTA (direct transfer agreement). 

ENG 320 and ENG 321 are reserved for high-credit transfer students who need to complete ENG 202, but would not benefit from the GUR credit that the course provides. For this reason, we have set aside ENG 320 TYE and ENG 321 TYE to allow high-credit transfer students the ability to complete major prerequisites as part of their major.  

How do I know if I have outstanding general university requirements?

Login to Degree Works with your universal login to view your academic history and outstanding requirements. A block titled "General University Requirements - COM, QSR, SCI" will be featured on your Degree Works worksheet if you have outstanding GURs. ENG 202 (and other BCOM courses) will apply to the "Communication - Block B or C" row.

Degree Works view, displaying Communication Block B or C, with ENG 202 Writing About Literature applying to this field as a "Block B" attribute.


Fall Transfers

If you are planning to transfer to Western for fall quarter, we strongly recommend that you attend Fall Advising and Registration in July. Fall A&R is a special orientation program for transfer students where you will have the opportunity meet with a departmental advisor, declare your major, and register for fall classes. If you are unable to attend Fall A&R, you will not be able to register for fall classes until Phase 2 of registration.

Winter & Spring Transfers

First, consider attending one of Western's transfer orientations. If you are planning to transfer to Western for winter or spring quarter, you should email Elle Starr before registration begins to apply for the major.

Undergraduate Program Coordinator & Advisor: Elle Starr

Office: HU 329 / 327

Phone: 360-650-6846


Schedule a Zoom Advising Appointment

Welcome to Western. We look forward to meeting you!