Kathryn Vulić, PhD

she/her, Professor


Pronunciation: Katie: Sounds like the letters K and T, Vulić: VOO-litch

A specialist in medieval literature, her teaching and research interests include devotional literature, manuscript studies, Chaucer and other Middle English poets, and vernacular writing. She has published and presented papers on the audiences and circumstances of composition of late medieval writings, medieval understandings of reading and literacy, and the influence of prayer rhetoric and meditative habits on the forms and content of Middle English texts.

Research Interests

  • Medieval English literature (Old and Middle English)
  • Geoffrey Chaucer and other 14th c. English poets
  • Medieval understandings of reading and literacy
  • Manuscript and archival studies
  • The influence of medieval devotional literature’s rhetoric and pedagogy on the forms and content of Middle English texts
  • The audiences and composition circumstances of late medieval writings