Directed Independent Study
- The student is responsible for finding a faculty member willing to work with them on an independent study course. A current list of faculty contractually eligible to accept ISP students can be provided by the English Department main office upon request.
- The student will need to complete the online “Directed Independent Study Registration Permit” e-sign form.
- The student will write a short outline of the proposed study with input and advice from their instructor.
- At the bottom of this proposal, the student must list at the bottom any and all other Independent Learning courses (offered through the Office of Continuing Education) or Independent Study courses previously taken for credit in English.
- The student will attach the proposal to the e-sign form and submit the e-sign form to the instructor.
- The instructor will approve the form to the chair.
PLEASE NOTE: The submission of the form does not guarantee the chair’s approval and the chair may reject/deny the form. If so, the chair will contact the faculty member and student with a rationale.