History Advising

All tenured and tenure-track professors serve as advisors. Please set up a time to meet with one of the history professors to discuss the major and your future goals. Choosing an advisor is a personal choice, but we do suggest students consider choosing an advisor they have either taken classes with in the past or share similar research interests with. They can also complete your declaration form with you.

Status Professor Interest Areas Office
On Leave Charles Anderson Middle East BH 356
On Leave Dharitri Bhattacharjee South Asian History BH 324
On Leave Emi Bushelle Japan BH 344
On Leave Pedro Cameselle Latin Am., U.S./Latin Am. Relations BH 338
On Leave Josh Cerretti Sexuality, Indigenous America BH 350
Advisor Susan Costanzo Russia, Europe BH 360
On Leave Peter Diehl Medieval Europe BH 328
On Leave Steven Garfinkle Ancient Mediterranean BH 334
On Leave Jared Hardesty Colonial U.S. BH 340
On Leave Madison Heslop Canada BH 358
On Leave Christine Johnston Ancient Mediterranean BH 336
On Leave Ricardo López-Pedreros Latin America BH 330
On Leave Johann Neem Early U.S. Republic BH 332
On Leave Peter Pihos African American Modern U.S. BH 348
Advisor Hunter Price Early U.S. Republic, Civil War BH 342
Advisor Jennifer Seltz U.S. 19th & 20th C., U.S. West BH 316
On Leave Mart Stewart Civil War, 19th C. U.S., Environ. History BH 320
On Leave Roger Thompson China BH 354
On Leave Sarah Zarrow Jewish History BH 352
On Leave Sarah Zimmerman Africa BH 314B

Email format for all professors is firstname.lastname@wwu.edu. If a professor has a hyphenated last name, only the first last name is used.

Email is the preferred form of communication for all our professors.