Sophia Cornell, Outstanding Graduate

Sophia Cornell

I’ve always enjoyed learning about history, and this is one of the things that drove me to the Marine Corps. I became a history/social studies major because I wanted to continue to serve my community as a high school teacher. 

Some of my favorite memories from the history/social studies program involved seeing everyone’s thesis projects in Prof. Zimmerman’s HIST 499, “Topics in African History. It was cool to watch a group of people dive deep into mostly new subjects and become more like experts by the end of the class. 

Currently, I am in the Master's Secondary Teaching Program at Woodring and love working with my cohortsome of which are also graduating this quarter. 

When asked about the Outstanding Graduate, Professor Susan Costanzo said:

Sophia Cornell is not only an accomplished historian, but also a vital presence in the classroom. She has always played a pivotal role in discussions and serves as a model for collaborative learning. She’s great at taking risks and admitting uncertainty. Thus, she opens new directions for other students to explore. I am sure these skills will make her an awesome teacher.