Anthropology Course Offerings
Summer 2023
ANTH 215
This course is designed to introduce students to the biological side of anthropology, including human osteology, primate paleontology, human evolution, and primate behavior. Additionally, this course addresses modern human biological variation from historical, comparative, evolutionary, biomedical, and cultural perspectives. It is designed to introduce students to the fundamentals of biological anthropology, comparative biology, evolutionary theory, and genetics. Professor: Tesla Monson ONLINE ASYNC
ANTH 301 Anthropological Theory
The development of anthropological thought from the late 1800s to the present. Emphasis is placed on the major theoretical developments in the discipline. Professor: Josh Fisher
ANTH 303 Qualitative Methods in Anthropology
This course will familiarize students with perspectives, methods and techniques of qualitative research in anthropology. The course will cover the theoretical background of qualitative research, major research traditions, methods of data collection, analysis of textual data and the write-up of findings. Professor: Josh Fisher
ANTH 312 Field Course in Archaeology
On-site training in methods and techniques of archaeological survey and excavation. 12 credits. Professor: Jerry Ek.
ANTH 353 Sex and Gender in Culture
Cross-cultural study of gender stereotypes, gender and language, gender and work roles, gender and religion. 5 credits. Professor: Mariangela Mihai ONLINE ASYNC
ANTH 361 American Indian Perspectives
Indigenous People have lived in North America Since Time Immemorial. They spoke a variety of different languages and came from a diverse set of cultural backgrounds. They continue to live in many different environments and represent various environmental, historical, and cultural adaptations. They have survived colonization through resilience and perseverance. This course examines the cultural and historical experiences that have contributed to the present-day conditions of Indigenous communities. Specific Native American groups are examined in-depth through case studies. This course engages with themes important to Native American communities including decolonization, sovereignty, attempted cultural erasure, cultural revitalization, self-determination, and Indigeneity. 5 credits. Hybrid 6 in-person class meetings, June 20, 22, 27, 29 July 25, 27. Professor: Michael Shepard
ANTH 420 Human Osteology and Forensics
This course is designed to introduce students to human osteology and forensics. Additionally, this course addresses skeletal biology and the evolution of the vertebrate skeleton. It is designed to train students in advanced identification of human skeletal remains and to help students develop a fundamental understanding of the biology of the vertebrate skeleton.
ANTH 476 Borderlands
Comparative examination of simultaneous separating and integrating functions of borders, significance of border regions as vital transition zones, and transboundary policy needs associated with accelerated flows of people, goods and ideas; particular focus on U.S.-Mexico and US.-Canada borderlands. 5 credits. Summer intensive. June 20-30. M-F 9AM-3PM Professor: Natalie Baloy CRN 30972
Spring 2023
ANTH 320 Skeletons and the Occult
Training in osteology, bioarchaeology and evolutionary biology. Critical reading and discussion of scientific literature that deals with the biological and biocultural interpretation of the human skeletal record, focusing on occult themes. Topics include mummies, cannibals, vampires, paleopathology, mystical sites (ie Stonehenge), and more. 5 credits. TR 3-5:20PM. AH 314. Professor: Tesla Monson CRN 23706
ANTH 490 Language Ideologies (Senior Seminar)
Language ideologies are beliefs and conceptualizations of what language is, what languages are, and how they are used and situated in the world. They are products of social, political, and cultural systems, and while many are unconscious, they nevertheless affect our behaviors and perpetuate inequitable systems of power and real-life discrimination. In this class, we explore language ideologies with respect to indigeneity, immigration, colonization/colonialism and multilingualism; language and education policies; dialect and region, social class, race and ethnicity, gender-sexualities, and other intersectional identities, as well as language change and current social movements. Students will develop academic reading, discussion, and summary skills and will develop and write a research paper. 5 credits. MW 9:30-11:20AM. HU 103. Professor: Emily Curtis CRN 23628
ANTH 490 Issues in Eurasian Paleolithic (Senior Seminar)
This course provides an introduction to the scientific study of the archaeological record, from ca. 1.1 mya to 10 kya in Western Eurasia with special emphasis on the data, methods, and theories used by archaeologists to understand and interpret human behavior from this time period. 5 credits. TR 1-2:50PM. AH 317. Professor: Todd Koetje CRN 23982