Chelsea Harmon, PhD
Visiting Assistant Professor
My research is focused on learning, cognition, and brain development in humans.
Research projects and areas of interest include:
1. Program Evaluations of Learning, including a. investigating an outdoor preschool program in WA state and b. investigating a STEM learning program with high school students in NY state
2. Leveraging already collected and open-source fMRI data to investigate the development of large-scale brain network dynamics and learning. I am particularly interested in how neural dynamic network flexibility develops and supports learning across development. This research area leveraging advanced statistical modeling (e.g., Bayesian & graph theory approaches).
3. Parent-child relationships and the influence on learning and cognition
4. The impacts of early life adversity exposure on brain and behavior development
5. How feelings of the emotion of awe impact learning, cognition, and creativity across development
If you are an undergraduate student interested in any of these research areas, please reach out to me via email with your resume and a brief letter of interest to join my lab as a research assistant.
Note: 1. My lab is in its infancy stage, so come ready to build your own research agenda, rather than jumping in on an ongoing project. 2. My lab is not currently collecting data (Fall quarter 2023).