Major Application Short Answer Essay Questions

The Major Application Short Answer Essay Questions* provide students interested in applying to WWU's psychology or human development majors an opportunity to convey who they are and how their individual lived experiences, values, and goals align with their intended major.

Please respond to both prompts with no more than 250 words each (overall word limit of 500 words; exceeding 250 words per prompt will result in application points lost): 

  1. In the Department of Psychology, we encourage and educate majors to apply psychological science to address societal needs and problems. What societal issues motivate you to pursue a degree in psychology? How and why? Please provide at least one specific example.
  2. Review the Psychology Department Values Statement and reflect on your own goals and values. In your own words, describe specific ways your participation in the major would contribute to creating this learning community for all members of the psychology program. These specific examples should derive from your upbringing, lived experiences, goals, personal values, and/or interests. 

*These prompts must be submitted before your new major application can be evaluated. The application portal will open at the beginning of fall, winter, and spring quarter.

Can't access the Short Answer Essay Questions? Self-enroll in our Psychology Interest Canvas course

Curious about the Department of Psychology's DEI commitment? Check out our DEI Initiatives Webpage


Writing Tips to Consider

-Before crafting your response, reflect on your individual lived experience, strengths, academic history, etc.

-Address the prompts directly

-Think and write deeply, with full transparency

-Provide specific examples when possible

-Make sure who you are and how your goals/values align are crystal clear in your responses; consider what makes you a good fit in the Psychology Department

Remember: Quality of writing is not being evaluated; however, please use spell check and write in complete sentences to make sure your ideas come across as clearly as possible. Plagiarism of any kind is not tolerated.

Looking for Essay Response Support?

The WWU Hacherl Research & Writing Studio is ready to support your major application essay response writing process with a variety of connection options:

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Essay responses are the #1 way you can influence your major application outcome. Connect today!