Contact Biomechanics
Prospective Students
Are you a prospective undergraduate student interested in our Bachelor's degree program?
- You may find the pages at our Health and Human Development department website to be useful.
Are you a prospective graduate student interested in our Master's degree program?
- You may find the Kinesiology Graduate Program pages on our department website to be useful.
Current Students
- Are you interested in serving as a peer mentor (instructional assistant, assistant to the graduate teaching assistant) in our Biomechanics or Functional Anatomy classes? You are eligible if you have earned a B or better in the class. Please contact us for an application for one of these positions.
- Are you interested in participating in our research projects? Contact us to let us know what sort of involvement you are looking for.
- Are you interested in conducting your own research project? Contact us to let us know what you have in mind. You must have a faculty sponsor for your project, and you must work with him/her in order to obtain approval from our Institutional Review Board.
Research Participants
- Have you seen a flyer for one of our research studies that you would like to participate in? Contact the individual on the flyer, or use the contact information below.