Meet the 2024 College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Social Sciences Division, Presidential Scholar, Gabrielle Laipenieks.

Presidential Scholar Gabby Laipenieks is capping off her WWU experience by planning and teaching a quarter-length class on climate storytelling and community building with a guiding ethos of climate hope.

The class, Laipenieks’ honors senior capstone project guided by Sustainability Engagement Institute Director Grace Wang, aims to build resilience among young people facing climate challenges.

“Most of Ms. Laipenieks’ endeavors center on making the world a more just place,” writes Political Science Professor Debra Salazar. “Whether in classes on queer or Black politics or on how inequality shapes our politics, she focuses laser like on how institutions and practices can be remade to make the world one in which all kinds of people can thrive.”

Laipenieks majored in political science, minored in both environmental science and honors interdisciplinary studies, and earned a climate leadership certificate. Part of that climate leadership work involved a deep dive into campus signage related to sustainable waste disposal and proposals for improvement.

Her service work at Western is just as varied.

As the local issues coordinator for the AS Office of Civic Engagement, Laipenieks serves as the WWU student liaison to local governments. She’s also a voting member of the President’s Sustainability Council and worked with RE Sources to plan their first youth climate summit.

On top of all that, Laipenieks lends her voice to the WWU Concert Choir.