About the Department

Gears with text Political Science

The Political Science Department was established at Western Washington University in 1964 with four faculty and approximately 50 majors. Today our program has grown to 15 faculty and over 200 majors.  We offer more than 50 courses in American Politics and Public Policy, Political Theory, International Relations and Comparative Politics.  As you will read in our Mission Statement and Master Assessment Plan, we are committed to strengthening the research and teaching excellence of the department and continuing our outreach to the community through the Ralph Munro Institute for Civic Education and other community forums.

Aristotle modern colorful portrait

Political Science is one of the oldest academic disciplines. Roots of political thinking can be traced back thousands of years to the writings of Aristotle and other philosophers of his time, while concerns about freedom, equality, justice and peace have been central to all human history.

protesters with a sign which reads "I'm so angry I made a sign"

Today, our faculty and students consider many of the same questions of war and peace, legitimate government authority, and the limits on individual freedom and autonomy that have confronted the most profound thinkers.

We invite you to explore our website and learn more about the faculty, the program, and what we have to offer students who are interested in the discipline of Political Science.  For more information please contact the department.

Political Science Department

Western Washington University
Arntzen Hall 415, 516 High St
Bellingham, WA  98225-9082

Fax:  360-650-2800
Campus Location:  AH 415, Campus Mail Stop: MS-9082

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