Kendra Dupuy, PhD

Assistant Professor


Professor Dupuy started at Western's Political Science Department Fall of 2023 and is a political economist focusing on African politics. She researches natural resource management, environment, and climate change politics and policies, the green energy transition, the education sector, and the quality of democracy in African countries. She has carried out research in Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. She uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods and has experience in formulating policy advice for a range of stakeholders. Dr. Dupuy holds a Ph.D. in political science from the University of Washington and has worked and consulted for several policy-focused institutes, including Chr. Michelsen Institute, the Peace Research Institute Oslo, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, the World Bank, the Natural Resource Governance Institute, and the Human Security Report Project.

Current Courses

Fall 2024

  • PLSC 271, Intro to International Relations
  • PLSC 376, American Foreign Policy

Winter 2025

  • PLSC 291, Intro to Comparative Politics
  • PLSC 433, Senior Seminar - Comparative Politics

Spring 2025

  • PLSC 308, African Political Systems
  • PLSC 370, Global Issues in International Politics


Selected Publications

Refereed Journal Articles

Larsen, Mari Lie, and Kendra Dupuy (2023). “Greening Industry: Opportunities and Challenges in Electricity Access for Norwegian Industry Firms”. Journal of Cleaner Production.

Skovgaard, Jakob, Kevin Adams, Kendra Dupuy, Adiz Dzebo, Mikkel Funder, Erik Lundsgaarde, and Zoha Shawood. (2023). “Multilateral Climate Finance Coordination Across Scales: Politics and Depoliticization in Practice”. Global Environmental Politics.

Selvik, Lisa-Marie, and Kendra Dupuy. (2022). “Government Repression and Citizen Support for Democratic Rights in Africa”. Democratization.

Shawood, Zoha, Adis Dzebo, Mikkel Funder, Kendra Dupuy, and Elvine Kwamboka. (2022). “Climate Finance Coordination in Kenya and Zambia: A Comparative Assessment”. Climate Policy. 

Funder, Mikkel, and Kendra Dupuy. (2022). “Climate Finance Coordination From the Global to the Local: Norm Localization and the Politics of Climate Finance Coordination in Zambia”. Journal of Development Studies.

Dupuy, Kendra, Julia Palik, and Gudrun Østby. (2022). “No Right to Read: National Regulatory Restrictions on Refugee Rights to Formal Education in Low- and Middle-Income Host Countries”. International Journal of Educational Development, 88.

Dupuy, Kendra, Luc Fransen, and Aseem Prakash. (2021). Global Policy special issue: Restricting NGOs: From Pushback to Accommodation (volume 12, Issue S5).

Dupuy, Kendra, Luc Fransen, and Aseem Prakash. (Editors). (2021). “Introduction”. Global Policy special issue: Restricting NGOs: From Pushback to Accommodation (volume 12, Issue S5).

Fransen, Luc, Kendra Dupuy, Marja Hinfelaar, and Sultan Mohammed Zakaria Mazumder. (2021). “Tempering Civil Society? The Effect of Repression and Regulatory Restriction on Transnational Advocacy”. Global Policy special issue: Restricting NGOs: From Pushback to Accommodation (volume 12, Issue S5).

Dupuy, Kendra, and Aseem Prakash. (2020). “Why Restrictive NGO Foreign Funding Laws Reduce Voter Turnout in Africa’s National Elections”. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 51(1): 170-189 (part of symposium issue on “Civil Society and Philanthropy in Africa: Parallels, Paradoxes, and Promise.”)

Williams, Aled, and Kendra Dupuy. (2019). “Will REDD+ Safeguards Mitigate Corruption? Case Evidence From Southeast Asia”. Journal of Development Studies, 55(10): 2129-2144.

Østby, Gudrun, Henrik Urdal, and Kendra Dupuy. (2019). “Does Education Lead to Pacification? A Review of Statistical Studies of Education and Political Violence”. Review of Education Research, 89(1): 46-92.

Hillesund, Solveig, et al. (2018). “Horizontal Inequality and Armed Conflict: A Comprehensive Literature Review”. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 39(4): 463-480.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Aseem Prakash. (2018). “Do Donors Reduce Bilateral Aid to Countries with Restrictive NGO Laws? A Panel Study, 1993-2012”. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(1): 89-106.

Lee, Bryan, and Kendra Dupuy. (2018). “Understanding the Lie of the Land: Mapping Petro-Governance Institutions in Tanzania”. Journal of Energy & Natural Resource Law, 36(1): 85-101.

Williams, Aled, and Kendra Dupuy. (2017). “Deciding Over Nature: Corruption in Environmental Impact Assessments.Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 65: 118-124.

Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron, and Aseem Prakash. (2016). “Hands Off My Regime! Governments’ Restrictions on Foreign Aid to Non-Governmental Organizations”. World Development, 84: 299-311.

Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron, and Aseem Prakash. (2015). “Who Survived? Ethiopia’s Regulatory Crackdown on Foreign-Funded NGOs”. Review of International Political Economy, 22(2): 419-456.

Dupuy, Kendra. (2014). “Community Development in Mining Laws”. The Extractive Industries and Society, 1(2): 200-215.

Dupuy, Kendra. (2009). “Education in Peace Agreements, 1989-2005”. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 26(2), 149-166.

Binningsbø, Helga, and Kendra Dupuy. (2009). “Using Power Sharing to Win a War: The Implementation of the Lomé Agreement in Sierra Leone”. Africa Spectrum, 44(3): 87-107.

Book Chapters

Dupuy, Kendra, Leo Arriola, and Lise Rakner. (2022). “Democratic Outcomes: Contestation, Participation, and Horizontal Accountability (1990-2020)” In Lise Rakner, Leo Arriola, and Nicolas Van de Valle (eds.), Democratic Backsliding in Africa? Autocratization, Resilience, and Contention, Oxford University Press.

Oduro, Franklin, Lisa-Marie Selvik, and Kendra Dupuy. (2022). “Ghana”. In Lise Rakner, Leo Arriola, and Nicolas Van de Valle (eds.), Democratic Backsliding in Africa? Autocratization, Resilience, and Contention, Oxford University Press.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Aseem Prakash. (2020). “NGO-ization”. International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Aseem Prakash. (2020). “Backlash and Resistance to NGOs Globally”. In Patricia Bromley and Woody Powell (eds.), The Non-Profit Sector: A Research Handbook, 3rd edition. Stanford University Press.

Dupuy, Kendra. (2017). “Corruption and Elite Capture of Mining Community Development Funds in Ghana and Sierra Leone”. In Philippe Le Billon and Aled Williams (eds.), Corruption, Natural Resources, and Development: From Resource Curse to Political Ecology. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Dupuy, Kendra. (2010). “Education That Builds Peace or Fuels Armed Conflict”. In Halla B. Holmarsdottir and Mina O’Dowd (eds.), Nordic Voices: Teaching and Researching Comparative and International Education in the Nordic Countries. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Eastin, Joshua, and Kendra Dupuy. (Eds.) (2021). Gender, Climate Change, and Livelihoods: Vulnerabilities and Adaptations. Wallingford, UK: CABI Books.

Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge, Donald Mmari, and Kendra Dupuy. (Eds.) (2019). Governing Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania. Chr. Michelsen Institute and REPOA. Dar es Salaam: Jamana Printers Limited.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Krijn Peters. (2009). Children and War. Westport, CT: Praeger Security Press. (46 citations) 

Academic Papers Under Review and In Process
Rustad, Siri, Kendra Dupuy, et al. “Renewable Energy and Conflict: A Research Agenda for the Green Energy Transition”. In process for submission to Global Environmental Politics

Fransen, Luc, and Kendra Dupuy. “Restrictive NGO Legislation and Organization Ecology”. In process for submission to Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly

Nakato, Linda, Kendra Dupuy, et al. “Two Dam Much: Hydropower Discontents in Uganda”. In process for submission to World Development

Ndolvu, Alecia, Kendra Dupuy, et al. “Institutions and the Resource Curse: A Review of the Literature”. In process for submission to Extractive Industries & Society

Dupuy, Kendra. “Good Green Energy Governance: Accountability, Transparency, and Participation in Renewable Energy Sectors”. In process for submission to Global Environmental Politics

Dupuy, Kendra. “Sustainable Wind Industry Standards (SWISS): Improving Governance in Renewable Energy Sectors?” In process for submission to Energy Policy

Dupuy, Kendra. “Advancing an International Agenda for Protecting the Environment in Conflict-Affected Contexts: Civil Society Mobilization and Explosive Remnants of War”. In process as part of a special issue in Environmental Politics

Selected Non-Peer Reviewed Outputs
Cottrell, Linsey, and Kendra Dupuy. (2021). “Alternatives to Open Burning and Open Detonation: The Disparity Between Humanitarian Mine Action and Commercial Best Practice”. The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, 25(1): 107-111.

Cottrell, Linsey, and Kendra Dupuy. (2020). “Landmines and the Environment – Can We Do Better?” Environmental Scientist, June 2020: 70-77.

Dupuy, Kendra, et al. (2019). “Mapping Education Programmes for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh”. PRIO Policy Brief. Oslo, Norway: Peace Research Institute Oslo.

Olney, Jessica, et al. (2019). “Preventing a Lost Generation: Community-Led Education by Rohingya Refugees”. PRIO Policy Brief. Oslo, Norway: Peace Research Institute Oslo.

Dupuy, Kendra, Julia Palik, and Gudrun Østby. (2019). “Walking the Talk? An Updated Review of Financing for Education in Emergencies, 2015-2018”. Report for Save the Children Norway. Also published as a PRIO Policy Report. Oslo, Norway: PRIO and Save the Children Norway.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Lucas Katera. (2019). “Cursed Before Production?” CMI Policy Brief. Bergen, Norway and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: CMI and Repoa.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Lucas Katera. (2019). “Petroleum’s Potential Impact on Future State-Society Relations in Tanzania”. CMI Policy Brief. Bergen, Norway and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: CMI and Repoa.

Dupuy, Kendra, Lise Rakner, and Lucas Katera. (2019). “Civil Society’s Role in Petroleum Governance: The Case of Tanzania”. CMI Policy Brief. Bergen, Norway and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: CMI and Repoa.

Berliner, Daniel, and Kendra Dupuy. (2018). “The Promise and Perils of Data for Anti-Corruption Efforts in International Development Work”. U4 Brief. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Dupuy, Kendra, et al. (2018). “Life Skills in Non-Formal Contexts for Adolescent Girls in Developing Countries”. Bergen, Norway: CMI Report, No. 5.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Siri Neset. (2018). “The Cognitive Psychology of Corruption: Micro-Level Explanations for Unethical Behavior”. U4 Issue Paper. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Bahgat, Karim, et al. (2018). “Children Affected by Armed Conflict, 1990-2016”. PRIO Policy Brief. Oslo, Norway: Peace Research Institute Oslo. Based on background paper prepared for Save the Children that
served as basis for report “The War on Children: Time to End Violations Against Children in Armed Conflict”.

Dupuy, Kendra. (2017). “The Global Participation Backlash: Implications for Multi-Stakeholder Natural Resource Governance Initiatives”. U4 Brief. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Aarvik, Per, and Kendra Dupuy. (2017). “Digitizing the Landscape: Technology to Improve Integrity in Natural Resource Management”. U4 Brief. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Boris Divjak. (2015). “Ebola and Corruption: Overcoming Critical Governance Challenges in a Crisis Situation”. U4 Brief. Bergen, Norway: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center.

Dupuy, Kendra. (2008). “Gender Mainstreaming in Mine Action: The Ethiopian Case”. PRIO paper.

Conference papers & presentations
Larsen, Mari Lie, and Kendra Dupuy. “Green Industry Geographies: Electricity Access and the Green Industry Firm Landscape in Norway”. Presented at the 2022 Nordic Environmental Social Sciences
conference, Göteborg.

Dupuy, Kendra, et al. “Green Curses & Violent Conflicts: The Contentious Dynamics of Africa’s Green Energy Transition”. Presented at the 2021 annual conference of the International Studies Association, Las

Dupuy, Kendra. “Adjust, Resist, or Disband? The Effect of Political Repression on NGOs in Bangladesh and Zambia”. Presented at the 2019 annual conference of the International Studies Association, Toronto.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Gudrun Østby. “No Right to Read: Regulatory Restrictions on Refugee Rights to Formal Education in Low- and Middle-Income Host Countries”. Presented at the 2019 annual conference of the International Studies Association, Toronto.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Aseem Prakash. “Do Donors Punish Countries with Restrictive NGO Laws?: A Panel Study, 1993-2009”. Presented at the 2016 annual conference of the International Studies Association, Atlanta. Also presented at the 2016 annual conference of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia.

Dupuy, Kendra. “Elite Capture and Corruption in Community-Managed Natural Resource Funds in the Mining Sector”. Presented at the 2015 annual conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco. Also presented at the University of Bergen Department of Geography Workshop on Power in Political Ecology, 26-27 November 2015, Bergen, Norway.

Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron, and Aseem Prakash. “The Backlash Against U.S. Smart Power? Restricting Foreign Aid to Domestic NGOs”. Presented at the 2014 annual conference of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C.

Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron, and Aseem Prakash. “The Pushback: Governmental Crackdown on Foreign Funding of Domestic NGOs, 1993-2012”. Presented at the 2014 annual conference of the International
Studies Association, Toronto.

Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron, and Aseem Prakash. “Who Survived? Ethiopia’s Regulatory Crackdown on Foreign-Funded NGOs”. Presented at the 2013 annual conference of the American Political Science
Association, Chicago, and also at the Columbia University Human Rights Seminar, 3 February 2014.

Dupuy, Kendra, James Ron, and Aseem Prakash. “Bringing the State Back In: Exploring the Impact of the Regulatory System on NGO Population Ecology”. Presented at the 2012 annual conference of the
International Studies Association, San Diego.

Dupuy, Kendra. “Explaining Corporate Social Responsibility in Weak States”. Presented at the 2012 annual conference of the International Studies Association, San Diego.

Dupuy, Kendra, and Helga Binningsbø. “The Diamond Area Community Development Fund: Implementing Wealth Sharing Policy in Sierra Leone”. Presented at the 2010 annual conference of the International Studies Association, New Orleans.

Binningsbø, Helga, and Kendra Dupuy. “Buying Peace With Diamonds? Power Sharing and the Civil War in Sierra Leone”. Presented at the 2008 annual conference of the International Studies Association, San Francisco.


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