About the Sociology Department

Areas of Study

The Faculty and Staff of our department are dedicated to providing quality instruction in several specialized areas of study in Sociology. The four major specializations in our department include:

  1. Family and the Life Course
  2. Criminology and Criminal Justice
  3. Population Studies
  4. Social Organization/ Social Inequality

We pride ourselves on working closely with our students and strive to keep them informed about what's new in the department. We also hope to hear from past, current, and prospective students.

For information about our four areas of study, including program options for majors and minors, see Plans of Study. See Classes & Registration for class schedules and registration information. There is also information for Prospective Students.

As part of our dedication to high quality instruction, our department offers a comprehensive Advising Program. Included here are the following resources:


The department has a number of resources that benefit both faculty and students.  The Center for Social Science Instruction provides access to thousands of data bases through ICPSR, as well as assistance with computing and statistical analysis. See Guides and Resources for student writing guides, links to Sociology journals, and other web resources.

We invite you to explore this site for further information about our department. If you have any questions, please contact our Undergraduate Advisor or email the Department Chair.

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