Teaching Assistant (Soc 480)
Soc 480 -(T.A.) Teaching & Learning Sociology (2-5 credits)
SOC 480 Prerequisites
- Permission of instructor.
- Soc 480 is a variable credit course (2-5 credits), and is repeatable to a maximum of 5 credits. S/U grading. SOC 480 may not be applied toward the major, however SOC 480 applies as a university elective toward the total 180 credits required for graduation.
About Teaching Assistantship (T.A.)
T.A. Duties
The teaching assistantship is intended to provide students with practical experience in the teaching of sociology at the undergraduate level. To that end, students will get hands-on experience in the various activities associated with teaching a particular course in the department. TA duties may include leading discussion groups, assisting the instructor in preparing lecture material, and assisting students in the class with understanding the course material. The actual duties will vary by course and instructor. Credit is determined by the instructor depending on the actual duties of the teaching assistant based on this formula: one credit per 2.5 hours a week of work.
T.A. Vacancy Pool
Faculty often invite especially strong students to be T.A.'s. Students may also approach instructors with an interest in a certain class. The Sociology Advisor also maintains a "Vacancy Pool"- a list of students who indicate an interest, so that as positions become available we can easily match students with faculty who need assistance in various courses. To find out more about this opportunity, contact Andrea.Osborn@wwu.edu before registration starts for the next quarter.
To register for SOC 480
Once you have established a T.A. position with faculty, contact Andrea.Osborn@wwu.edu for an override.