Hailey Mitsui-Davis

What do you do professionally?

Hailey is in charge of social media advocacy for Invisible Children, a California-based nonprofit that is working to bring an end to the atrocities of the rebel group the Lord's Resistance Army. Invisible Children promotes U.S. involvement to eradicate the LRA from central Africa, to promote reintegration of former child soldiers into their home communities, and provide early warnings to local populations about LRA movements in the area.  As Communication and Mobilization Strategist, Hailey leads the team that creates the messaging and campaigns for engaging Invisible Children's over 3 million supporters.

How did your Sociology degree help prepare you for your work?

“I have thought about this a lot, because most of the interns I supervise are in the middle of their college experience. I have always been a huge advocate for Sociology because my jobs requires me to think critically about external messaging, and the way our brand is perceived. The critical thinking skills I developed in Sociology help me consider multiple layers and levels. I also think my degree helps me see the big picture more clearly than some of my colleagues. It is easier for me to think about how our actions will have impacts in a greater scheme, and this strategic vision helps me tremendously in my work.”

Did you have a favorite class in the Sociology Department?

“When I first got to Western I didn’t even know Sociology was a discipline, but Glenn Tsunokai’s Race and Society course was the ‘ah-ha’ moment of my education, and probably the most eye-opening experience of my entire life. I come from an eclectic family but went to a very conservative and homogenous high school. Learning about mixed-race identities in Glenn’s class was so profound for me, and helped me understand my own experience in relation to others. I felt inspired and connected, and that class is why I became a Sociology major.”

If you could go back to Sociology at WWU all over again, would you do anything differently?

“I wish I would have taken the time to cultivate relationships with the professors. I think 18-21 year olds take those teacher relationships for granted because we have always have teachers around us, but college is really the last time you have that kind of mentor relationship where it is okay to go ask for help because you do not to know the answer.”

What career advice would you offer for current Sociology majors?

“I tell my interns all the time to take advantage of this incredible opportunity they are afforded in college. It is so wonderful when learning is your only objective, so take advantage of that privilege. Plus, I would want students to recognize that they will never be around so many other like-minded people at the same stage of their lives. Invest in the relationships you have available to you, both with the faculty and your student peers. I would also tell them to take advantage of how wonderful a place Bellingham is, I love it there.”

What are your favorite ways to spend time when you are not working?

“I sing and play guitar in a local folk band with my husband. I also really enjoy the beaches in San Diego. I think my other passion is coffee, I have to stay true to my northwest roots!”